All Washed Up

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"Here we are! The final stop on the Triwizard-family-getaway camping trip! Time to set up camp everyone."

"Why did we have to hike to the portkey again dad?" Rochelle surveyed the clouds in the sky.

"Because it builds character."

"Of course."

Madeline took her small hiking bag off her back and began to rummage around in it. "Ugh. If only I could use magic already."

"Three more days sweetie," Madeline's Mom took her bag from her and took out her wand. "Accio tent."

"Why couldn't they have started us out on magic sooner?" Daniella whined, "I feel so helpless in the wilderness like this!"

"It's alright squirt. I'll protect you." Daniella's older brother Pallidius, who had already graduated from Hogwarts the previous year, showed off while raising the tent Madeline had been carrying. Another fine specimen of wizard magic... the tent, not Pallidius.

"Tent's up!" Called Daniella's Mom.

"Alright. Time for the procession into the grand Triwizard-family-tent! As always provided by the Ollivanders."

Madeline, her little sister, and her parents bowed.

"Let's not forget the great food brought by the Fawleys," said Daniella's dad.

"Or the dinnerware brought by the Flints!" Added Madeline's Mom.

"Ok everyone! This is Vesta's first TFGCT so she gets to go first with Robyn." Rochelle's dad said.

"Come on Vesta," 9 year old Robyn put her hand out to the little 3 year old. They walked, hand in hand into the tent, having to duck under the flap.

"Aww my little Duckie is growing up! I can't belive she's 3 already!" Madeline sighed. She loved her little sister more than anyone. Even more than her best friends Rochelle and Daniella.

"I think that's my line sweetie," her mom said, brushing Madeline's messy long brown hair away from her face.

Madeline's dad sighed. "I remember our first TFGCT. You know kids, your dads families all used to do this when we were kids. Isn't that exciting carrying on a tradition as old as Dumbledore himself?" He didn't wait for an answer, "I remember when Florian, Maximus and I got to the camp site, we would always run to the lake and dip our toes in first thing. I remember-"

"That's Quite enough Oliver. Ok, Madeline and Daniella, you're next." Rochelle's Mom said, cutting off the long and boring narritive that was coming.

As the two girls went into the tent, arms linked together, Rochelle glared at Pallidius. Since she was older than Madeline and Daniella, she was stuck with him as a "walking buddy". She had been very happy when Robyn came for the first time because it meant the pairs worked out so that she could walk with Daniella instead. No such luck this year. Vesta couldn'ta had a twin? she thought.

Pallidius pranced towards Rochelle and held out his arm to her exaduratingly. He smirked in the most agrivating way possible as he put the hand he wasn't offering her through his brown hair. "Shall we my lady?"

Rochelle simply rolled her eyes and took his arm. They walked through the tent flaps and as soon as they were out of their parents sight, Rochelle took the opportunity to stick her tounge out at the older boy. Brothers. Who needs em? She wondered. She withdrew her arm from his and stalked towards her friends, who were clearly shipping her with Pallidius right now, though they tried to hide it.

"Just like last year and the year before that, he's still to old for me," She pointed out, "I still don't know how you can ship your brother with your best friend, Daniella, you have to live with him yourself."

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