Chapter 3

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The days went by slowly and the weather had been pretty rubbish lately which made everything drag out and be boring.

The day after Zayn had asked Harry whether he wanted to come to their party, Harry had agreed with all his lot that they would all invite a bunch of people and bring alcohol.

Zayn, Liam and Louis thought that the party would be shit and noone would turn up but still they went ahead and planned everything.

They all scraped in to pay for the dj(who was quite expensive bcos he was the best of the best), the food & the drink.


Late Friday night when they all got Home from work and finished their school work they started decorating the house.

Louis decided that he would put a 'topless girls only' sign next to the pool which probably wouldn't work but he did anyway.

They picked out their outfits and tidied the house up a bit & hiding everything they didn't want to get broken or for people to see.

The next thing they knew they weren't getting a call from a unknown number.

"Shall I answer it?" Zayn asked, a bit nervous.

"Yeah, go on. It will just be some stupid caller thing"Liam said and Zayn picked up.

"We know your having a party. We know where you live. Don't expect it to be a happy ending. We will get you!" Zayn chucked the phone back into its charger, beginning to shake.

He explained what had been said on the phone but Liam just thought it was some silly person being an idiot & trying to be funny.

They all went to bed at around 11:30. Zayn was freaked out that he slept for about an hour and just lay there the rest of the night awake.

Was it just a silly kid messing about???


Sorry I haven't updated in long I had a GCSE and had to revise loads!!!

It's my birthday next week !!!

Tell me what you thought?! I didn't think it was that good but trust me it will get better :)

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