Chapter 13 - The Melody Crusaders Appeaser

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Brandon and his friends were walking to school, the four couldn't help but notice that it was not as boring as yesterday (which if i were there? I'd not even do anything for the whole DURATION of the darn morning!)

'Hey Wyatt, I've got this feeling that today could be WAY better than yesterday, what do ya' think Brandon?'

Rhett said as he danced past Brandon, who was walking hand-in-hand with Gage, a soft smile pretty much rarely leaving his face

'Yeah! it could be better-'

The four then heard a strange sound coming from the distance...

...It was... Music?

Gage and Brandon then recognized the song and they lit up like five year old's who had just seen a F1 car shoot by!


Without hesitating, Gage picked Brandon up and, like a fireman who was running from a fire at over eleventy-billion (1120,0000) mph he dashed as the pair pursued to the location of the sound..

A few minutes later, Wyatt and Rhett caught up and the gasped

It wasn't the fact that they'd just run like godspeed to catch up with Gage and Brandon...

...It was The Melody Crusaders!

The leader of the Crusaders then looked and smiled, he then hopped up and stepped over to the team

'Oh my days! are you like, THE Team Hot Wheels?!'

As soon as he KNEW it was them he stopped acting so jumpy and smiled

'Um... yeah! we are the one and only'

Rhett said as he stood forward and smiled, The leader of the crusaders had orange/blond hair and a blue T-shirt with white collar, he had grey jeans and black dancing shoes

He then stood forward and pointed at himself, as he mentioned the rest of his "Squad" he pointed at them

'I'm Sandro Silva: The Leader of our squad'

'That guy in the jumper is Brenton Matthews: our Launchpad player/Choreographer'

'Hey guys!'

'That "beautiful" girl there is our violin/flute player Ashley Blaze'

'Hello Rhett'

Sandro then paused for a moment

'Wait! you know him?!'

Ashley then smiled

'Yep! i knew you when you were like, um, 6 or something?'

The team then giggled and Rhett's face went a bit red

Sandro then shook his head

'Anyway, this guy in the glasses-'

Brandon then paused him, he looked a bit puzzled

'Um... Mr Sandro, are you on about Brenton, or that guy?'

Sandro then remembered that there was two members of his group that wore glasses

'Oh... I was on about Lucas King: our piano star'

The man with the orange hair waved as he paused his (possibly) piano app

'Hello there'

And then... a person wearing purple jumped right in front of Sandro and posed


Sandro just grabbed him and growled

'Steve, this is Team Hot Wheel not some fan club! so can you NOT GET IN THE WAY!!'

Everyone froze...

...after a few seconds, Sandro sighed and let go of Steve (who had gone pale from fright)

Steve then ran and stood behind a lamp-post, he shivered at the sight of Sandro getting angry...

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