Chapter 2 - Oh Hey Brandon's Awake!

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...Brandon then slowly opened his eyes and sat up

'W-What's, going on here?'

But before anyone could warrant a reply

Gage jumped and hugged Brandon tightly as he cried tears of joy

'Oh my god! you're awake! I thought I'd lose you then!'

Brandon just laughed and hugged him back, a slight tear fell down his face

'Oh Gage! you might want to abbreviate that to "I'd never give up on you"'

Brandon smiled as he cried along with his friend

Brandon then looked up and saw that Rhett had a large bucket with 'ICE WATER' printed on the front

his look went from happy to a glare of confusion

'And why does Rhett have a huge bucket of water in his arms?'

Gage then paused his laughter and looked

'...That's a long story....'


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