Chapter 10 - A Sudden Amount Of Distortion

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Brandon then looked in horror and grabbed Gage by his arm and held him close

The rest of the team looked in horror and fright as they looked to see why Brandon grabbed him...

...Exactly where Gage was standing, a sharp piece of what "looked" like frozen Gallium had hit the floor, splitting the ground as if it were a sharp blade!

Wyatt and Rhett went completely pale as they thought about what would'ave happened if Brandon hadn't grabbed Gage quick enough...

Rhett then looked ahead and shouted


But that time, he looked...

...And he realized...

...It wasn't Silver?!  

Instead, it was that figure Brandon saw the previous day!

Rhett had no idea whether to attack or to run like Donald Trump and scream

Gage then stepped away but stayed close to Brandon as his green crystal wings appeared again

'W-Who are you?!'

His normal voice switched to a hugely irate one


Gage shouted as the flame in his hand glowed brighter

The blue haired racer just smiled and looked up, his hair was an ocean blue and instead of his eyes being white they were black, his red Iris's gave a look of anger. on his right eye he appeared to have three scars: the left one was mid-length, the center one was short and the right one was longer than the other two!

He then looked seriously at the four and stepped back a bit

'...My brother told me about you four...'

The stranger said as he circled the four as if he were a dog circling a group of criminals

...He then looked at Gage, just as he did Gage held Brandon tightly and got into a ready position.

just in case the shadowed person was going to attack him (Or Brandon)

'...He said that you called him, what was it, "a pile of Gallium"... right?'

Gage, Wyatt, Rhett and Brandon just looked in anger as the person stood still

Rhett had a frightened look as he held Wyatt close

'I really don't like this guy... at... all!'

Rhett whispered as Wyatt held him in his arms.

Wyatt then looked in confusion at the racer, he clenched one of his fists as he got ready (Likely to punch this guy through the floor-boards if he didn't move away from Rhett and the others)

'W-Who, or "What" ARE you even meant to be?!'

The blue haired boy then glared in a way as if he was looking at a little scared kid

'...I am Distortia, The being of rage, The monster of darkness-'

Brandon then stood up and held Gage back

'-The prince of Atrocity?'

Distortia laughed as he looked at Brandon...

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