Chapter 32

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I don't know how to describe it. It was like there had been a massive weight and now it's been lifted off my shoulders. Now I can breathe because there was nothing crushing me.

Scratching. Pencil on paper. Those names are in the hands of the enemy.

"Thank you, Miss Harris. Your statement is over. You are dismissed."

I rise from the chair, feeling light on the outside but there's a heaviness within too. It feels like I have a heart full of lead and it costs so much just to pump blood around my body.

The door closes behind me. I stand in the hallway, staring down it, wondering what I have done. How could I have betrayed Josh and Zach and Dad to the police? Of course they wouldn't do nothing. They'd be sniffing them out like dogs.

Oh, God. What I have done?

What will Josh do when he finds out?

As though answering my question, a door along the hallway opens and there's a faint murmuring as two people step out. One is an officer and the other is Josh. I watch as they move in my direction until Josh finally spots me.

"Oh, hi," he tries to say but the officer tugs him along the hall, lips pursed. I watch as they carry on down the corridor, not moving an inch.

"Where are they taking you?" I manage to croak out but my words are lost. There're plenty of things that I'm feeling. Guilt. Remorse. Regret. I could list a thousand words and none of them would describe the feeling.

A hand on my shoulder. It's the blonde woman who interrogated me.

"He won't be gone for long, Amelia," she assures. "He's just gone for further questioning."

I don't feel anything when she guides me down the hallway. Maybe that's it. Maybe it's nothing I feel. Nothing happy for sure. There's just a blank hole that's been scooped out.

Mum's waiting outside. By the look on her face, she saw Josh walk past too. She tries to conceal it, though but I can still tell by the way she keeps glancing back to the building.

"How was it?" she asks.

I give her a small nod, throat feeling too tight. I can't tell her. I can't tell anyone.

She seems relieved. "Good. Now let's get back home. Don't want dinner to burn, do you?"

She continues going on about dinner and roast beef and about how hungry I probably am. I don't listen to it fully. I don't think I can handle another normal day or another normal thing like getting into the car and driving home. Nothing normal is ever going to happen again, I can feel it.

Actually, I can't. I'm feeling nothing. There's just an ever-growing hole of nothing as we drive home.


Hi everyone!

I am honestly stuck for ideas. Any suggestions would be great.


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