The... Date ?!

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Chapter 3

The...Date ?!

Minerva quickly entered her office and, ignoring the looks on a bemused Dumbledore, she entered her quarters. Coming back 5 minutes later, the same Dumbledore tried to convience her to taste some lemon drops, that she never found the power to get out of the drawer, to throw.

„You can do it, you know...."

„Albus, will you give me a break ? I have no need of your lemon drops, as for now.", spat a rather anxious Minerva, rapidly pacing the entire area in front of her desk.

„You know what I am talking about, Tabby. Give yourself a chance. You deserve it and, as far as I know, the young Miss Granger, never had a chance to know real love."

„Albus, you know she was in a relationship with Weasley....", said Minerva showing a certain sadness in her eyes.

„Yes, I also know this... she dumped him the very next day, after the war, because she realized she didn't love him."

„She was my damned student and apprentice, Albus !", the Headmistress screamed.

„So what ?"

„Are you out of your already damaged mind, Albus ? There are decades, not only years, between us."

Albus laughed. And laughed. And laughed.

„Might I ask what you find so amusing ?", she said rather bothered.

„My dear friend, if the age gap was such a problem for you, you would have never allowed your feelings to become so..."

„So out of place, Albus, because this is what they are !"

And then it came.

The knock on the door.

Albus laughed.

Minerva froze.

Finding her voice again, she said: „Enter!", not before inspecting her look to make sure she was at least...acceptable.

When Hermione entered, she was also getting rid of her cloak, action which got suspended, as it was the younger's Professor turn to froze, just as she closed the door.

Minerva did wear robes all right, but not her daily ones....her perfect allure was covered by a long, light velvet robe, which seemed to succeed at showing Minerva's every curve, as well as enlightening her dark emerald green eyes.

They stood there for a couple of seconds, none finding the courage to open their mouths, other than for the meaningful purpose of being shocked.

Gryffindors my ass, Dumbledore thought, giving a short quizzical look to the Sorting Hat.

Meanwhile, Minerva was looking down...Hermione's heeled shoes were a dark green, much like the Headmistress' eyes; going up, she saw a pair of dark blue jeans topped by an emerald shirt... was it a shirt ? Minerva did not know, as she looked into the eyes of her colleague and felt lost forever.

„ I believe you just explained the meaning of... special, Headmistress ! You look beautiful !"

Somehow, Hermione found the courage within her to speak.

„From where I stand, you did not need further theoretical explanation on that, Miss Granger. So do you !"

All the Headmistress could receive as an answer was a nod with a smile.

Minerva realised that it was not normal to keep looking at the girl like that, even though, truth be told, she did look at her most brilliant with half the cloak leaning on one shoulder.

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