06 ~ Brody

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I stared at the falling snow. My surroundings a bright white. The ground sprinkled with flakes of ice.

I couldn't believe what happened.

Every time I close my eyes, the image keeps replaying in my head. There is no rewind button, the memory stays stuck on a continuous loop, shouting at me to splatter guilty over my face.

There's no denying it. I liked him, a lot.

I've always had, My gaze followed his floating emerald green orbs wherever they go.

Only, I had a girl.

A girl who restricts me of my freedom, stripping me naked and wants nothing from me but my body.

I'm being used, and unfortunately the inevitable fate is that I'll be disposed of once her little fun is done.

Gina keeps my reputation....

That's why I need to stay with her

Call me a leech but in this hellhole known as high school

Following the satanic queen at her beck and call comes with an advantage.

My mind screams for popularity but my beating heart aches for Felix.

Am I a good person?

I smashed my head against the wooden trees continuously, hoping that inflicting pain on myself will make me forget.

Make me forget that I took away his ability to see objects

Tears trickled down my cheek, the stinging feeling of blood and tears gliding down my heated face and dripped onto the forming blankets of snow.

"I hate myself" I whispered

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