chapter 9

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The ride was slow and silent so I decided to break it b asking
" How was your first day?"
"Good, boring but good"
"Well at least I spent more time with you and got to meet your best friend who's ... unique"
"Well she is one of a kind"

When the car reaches my house I spotted a black SUV parked in my drive way. Josh directly said with excitement
"Maybe it's a burglar we should probably sneak in"
"You have a big imagination my boy"
"You have no idea" he said with a smirk forming on his lips.

I just got out of the cat with Josh following me.
"We sneak in don't make a sound" Josh whispered while I was opening the door.
"GRANDMA you here?
"What happened to the plan!?" Josh screamed/whispered.
"Sweetie I'm in the living room come" yelled my grandmother
I went to the living room but stopped midway "what are you doing?" Josh was walking in a fighting position and I couldn't stop my self from laughing.
"What it's better to be ready"

I continued my way to the living room but froze when I saw the people in the living room.
"M...Mr and Mrs Blake?"
"Hello Stephanie " said Mrs Blake with her angelic voice.
"Ummmm I don't mean to sound rude but what are you doing here?" When I finished my sentence Josh came and stood next to me surprised as I was.
"Alexandra, Tom what are you doing here?"
"We're discussing something private with Mrs Wilson here. But what are you doing here?"
"Oh I'm giving Steph my girlfriend a ride home."
"Hey I still didn't agree on being your girlfriend"
"Yes you did or else you wouldn't be meeting my parents later. I'll pick you up at 6 be ready." With that he left without giving me a chance to argue.
"Ok so I'll be upstairs if you guys want anything just yell"
"Oh wait before you go can you give me your necklace the one from your biological parents" said my grandma. Ok something is definitely up.
"Uhm sure but why?" I asked while taking it off
"Nothing important now go I did your favorite lasagnia and brownies for desert."
"What!? Wait what did I do? Why all that kindness and food? Are you dying wait am I dying!?"
"What no, can't I cook the favorite to my favorite grand daughter?"
"Uhm sure "

While eating in the kitchen I couldn't but wonder about what they were talking in there.
When I was done which like took me ten minutes.
While going upstairs I caught Mr.Blake saying " the test was positive" Being the person I am I barged into the living room screaming " showed what positive?" They all looked at me eyes wide open.
" I knew it I am dying!" I said with a half jocked  half serious voice,but I couldn't but notice the relieve in there eyes after I said that.
Mrs. Blake said " You're not dying it's something... uhm something you're not ready for yet maybe soon now go get ready Josh will be here in an hour."
I pushed the urge of asking more questions and went upstairs to get ready.

When I was in my room I decided to call Daniel. I've been calling him everyday I just feel like I've known this guy all my life and I think that Sara is starting to get jealous oops.
"Hey Daniel, how are you?"
"Hey Steph, great you?"
"I'm fine. Hey have you ever heard of Alexandra and Tom Blake?"
"Duh they're like the richest people in the world and the unluckiest considering that their son and daughter have been kidnapped when they were just babies. Why are you asking?"
"Well it's gonna sound weird but their in my house talking to my grandma."
"Ok well try to sneak in and listen to their conversation."
"I can't I'm going to meet Josh's parents."
"What? Why? Are you getting married!? I call dibs on the first child he will have my name!"
"Ewwww no and sorry I already promised Nathan that."
"God he always gets it all. Anyways go to your date and tell me all the dets tchaw!" He said with a high pitched voice and then hung up.
I chose to to wear a purple crop top and a high wasted jeans with white sneakers and I applied some mascara and lip gloss since according to Mia I should show my natural beauty.
I went downstairs and I did what Daniel advised me to do I only heard "be ready tomorrow" before the bell rang. Great timing Josh. I opened the door to be met with Josh who is wearing a white t-shirt and a pair of jeans.
"Well someone is putting an effort on her appearance, you look beautiful"
"What if you haven't noticed I always look beautiful"
He just chuckled.
"Ok grandma I'm off see you."
"Bye hun and don't do the nasty I don't want to raise your children"
"Grandma I already told you I do that on Fridays" I said with a wink.
" That was a joke right?" Said Mr. Blake with fear in his eyes.
"Duh I'm planning on doing it maybe uhm never"
"That's my girl" said grandma. And with that I left.

Hey guys its been forever! I've so busy with my exams and all.
Ok so what do you think tell me by commenting and don't forget to vote.
Love you!

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