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I woke up on the sound of my alarm all hiper and ready for life which is weird since I'm not a morning person.

I took my phone from the night stand next to me to see any new messages and I had one from an unknown number.

"morning Princess. I'll be seeing you today since my dad will be meeting someone at the restaurant we met."

"it's Josh btw"

After reading the message a smile found it's way on my face why I honestly don't know. Great now I actually should put an effort on my appearance today yay. I went to the bathroom and did the usual then I started picking my outfit I finally chose to wear bright jeans a cute red top and white sneakers. I looked at the time it's 7:30 I quickly took an apple and left without waking grams.

When I reached school I directly went to my locker without talking to anyone. See I'm not really popular material shocking I know! I spotted Melanie one of my best friends so I walked towards her when she saw me her face changed to a pissed Mel. Oh no bad sign.

"Stephanie Athena where have you been?  I called you yesterday to hang out but to my SURPRISE you didn't answer." she literally started screaming at me.

" yeah sorry about that iwasonadate" I said as low as I could.

"oh my freaking god you went on your first date ever without telling me what the hell is wrong with you!  But I'm willing to forgive you if you spill all the juicy details" I rolled my eyes and started talking

" well his name is Josh and I met him at the restaurant where I work and he..." I was cut of by a familiar voice saying

" and he is hot as hell with his mesmerizing blue eyes and.." I turned around and saw no one else but Josh great!

"what the hell Josh what are you doing in my school. Please don't tell me your a crazy stalker who wants to kill me because he is upset with me."

"First don't flatter yourself. Second if I wanted to kill you I would have done it yesterday in the woods and third I'm here because my family and I moved here and according to my mother I need an education to one day take over the company."

" and that ladies and gentlemen will be the end of the company"
I said with a smirk

"ouch Stephanie  that hurts right here"he said pointing to his heart. I just rolled my eyes.

" what the fuck Stephanie you went on a date with freaking Josh Baily ! " oops I forget Mel is here.

"babe why don't you introduce me to your lovely friend! " seriously!!!! 

"okay Mel this is Josh,  Josh mel" I said backing away to make a run for it but I was stopped by Josh. He held me from my waist and pushed me way close to him.

"what are you doing? " 

"Princess You introduced me wrong watch and lurn.
Hi I'm Josh Steph's boyfriend" he said and looked at me with a stupid smirk on his face.

"I don't remember agreeing on being you girlfriend "

"well I kind of did the decision for you since we kissed" okay seriously is he trying to kill me.

The bell rang thankfully and being the perfect student I am I ran away but the real reason is Mel who is probably going to strangle me for keeping her in the shadows. What a great way to start the day am I right! 😒😒😒😒😒
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