I want that life

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Do you ever wish for something different? Something new? The type of thing that changes your life, that totally turns it upside down to the point where it feels desirable.

It's almost exciting, to think something so ordinary that waits around the corner can completely change your world. Let it either be a person, a place or a new beginning... there's got to be something.

Because I don't want a life where I have to think twice about everything, evaluation after evaluation, I want a life where I don't even have to think maybe not even once, I just do it. I don't want to keep hold of the ties that restrict me. I don't want to live a life where everything becomes the same. The same people, the same jokes, the same laugh.

I want to be out there in the world, on an exotic  island, a mysterious jungle maybe even under the Norwegian lights. I want that life of adventure, where risks are ordinary and a leap of faith becomes a bridge.

I'm not bored of the people around me and I'm not bored of the same jokes, I'm just bored of this life. I need something new. I want to explore, but then there are other things I must do first. Complete my education, get a job maybe even have a family with children to love and provide for.

But then I guess, that life I'm longing for is just ahead, I am young so why should I feel doomed in the present when the life I long for is right in front of me. It's there... tomorrow and the next day, week, month, and who knows it may even take a few years but it's there... it's right there.

I just got to believe that even though everything may feel bland and lifeless at the moment, life may even feel useless. But the life you want is sitting in your hands, you've just got to make it, you've just got to wait for the good days... you've got to wait for what you've been dreaming of...

You've got to wait for that life.

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