Chapter Eight

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"What do you mean you live there?" Naomi asks confused

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"What do you mean you live there?" Naomi asks confused. She lets out her exasperation with a nervous laugh. "Some crazy coincidence, isn't it?"

"It's not a coincidence," he lies. "The people who use to live in that apartment building all died. There was a rampant house fire no one could control."

"Are you trying to tell me he's dead?" Naomi asks with her lips quivering.

"I don't know," he lies once again. "All I'm saying is that you should let him go and move on with the hope that he might still be alive. There's a lot of grief involved in—"

He doesn't get the chance to finish as she thrusts herself into his arms, clinging onto him as though he was her life line. She buries her face in the crook of his neck, inhaling his scent. He smells like a combination of both bleach and mint. "Please don't leave me," she says as her whole world comes crashing down on her. "I can't afford to loose anyone else."

He feels terrible for lying.

It suddenly hits him.

He's lying to her about him being dead.

Is he insane?

"I'm not going anywhere," he says caressing her nape. It sends shivers down her back, and she lets out a soft moan. Theo's eyes widen before he continues running his fingers down her nape, then slowly moving down her spine, drawing another moan.

It's official.

He's insane.

Without another thought, he pushes her up against the wall and slams his mouth onto hers. He knows this is wrong, that he's lying and taking advantage of her. But he can't help it. Her lips taste so good. They taste like mocha cappuccino, and he can't help but wonder what the inside of her mouth tastes like.

He runs his hands down her back and pinches her ass, making her moan loudly. Taking the chance, he slips his tongue into her mouth, exploring every inch of it, making her moans forte. She pulls away from him before giving in to the seductive kiss.

"What are we doing?" she asks breathless. Her lips are swollen and her cheeks are flushed, making him want her even more. 

"Making out," he says with ragged breaths. Damn, he had kissed a multitude of women in his life, but never has he ever wanted one as badly as Naomi Andrews. 

"This is wrong," she says. "I've heard that when people are going through hard times, they need a body to help them get through it."

"Don't tell me you don't want this," he says stroking his hand over her neck. "I've been fantasizing about kissing you. I know you want this as much as I do."

"I do," she says fumbling around with a button on her shirt. "I just don't think it's for the right cause. I don't want to do anything out of lust, it's the last thing on my mind."

"You're saying that like you're a virgin," he says with an eye roll. He stares at her for a while until he realizes his statement is true. "Oh god," he groans. "You've never slept with a guy before, have you? Is that what it's all about?

"No," she says. "I mean, yeah it's true I'm a virgin, but I've learned from past experiences that lust isn't going to get me far. You see, there was this guy     who—"

He kisses her in an attempt to silence her. "Shut up," he says in a sultry voice. "I don't need to know what guys have done with you in the past. What matters now is what I can do to you." He continues kissing her, moving onto her jawbone and placing chaste kisses. She giggles and attempts to push him off. 

"Theo stop!" she giggles. Her giggles soon turn into moans and gasps as his tongue comes to play. "Theo," she moans his name repeatedly, turning him on further. "Take me, please!"

"My, my," he teases. "In such a hurry aren't we?" he smirks watching her crumble and fall into his hands. 

He stops kissing her and brushes a stray piece of hair away from her face, suddenly remembering what it took for him to get this close to her. "I think you're right," he says turning away from her frenzied state. 

"Right about what?" she asks before reaching out and grabbing his shoulder. 

"We shouldn't be doing this," he says brushing her hand off. 

"What the hell, Theodore!" she exclaims as he grabs his jacket. "Two minutes ago you were talking about how you wanted to make me yours. What the hell just happened?"

"Dishonesty," he says turning towards her. "That's exactly what happened. I've been lying to you in order to get close to you. You would be devastated to hear what those lies are."

"Try me," she says challengingly.

"I won't," he retorts. "I know what you're capable of. I don't think you know what you're capable of doing to me."

"Then help me find out," she says trying to stop him from leaving.

"I can't," he says before walking out of the room. "I'll see you tomorrow at the auditions."

"Theodore you hypocrite!!!" she yells from behind him before falling to her knees. "You asshole!!! I wish I'd never met you!!!" 

To Be Continued at the auditions.

Heads up: I really wanted Theo to realize in this chapter that he's lusting after Naomi. That's the whole reason why I added the kiss scene. I really wouldn't have done that unless I wanted some character and plot development. 

And sorry this chapter was so short.

         ---- Rita

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