Chapter Three

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Sacrifice that causes pain is no sacrifice at all. True sacrifice is joy-giving and uplifting.

                          -- Mahatma Gandhi

When Theo wakes up the next morning, he finds himself wrapped up thinking about Naomi Andrews. "That damn crazy woman," he murmurs while scratching his undercut. 

It suddenly occurs to him that she only had three hundred dollars in her wallet the night before. No credit card, no debit card, nothing. "Shit!" he growls while sprinting out of his bed. 

He changes into a pair of black jeans and pulls a full sleeved black shirt over his head. It may not be been much, but it's enough to make him look presentable on the street. He runs towards the bathroom to quickly brush his teeth and and comb his hair. Throwing his jacket on, he grabs the wallet and stuffs it into his jeans pocket.

"Damn it," he curses while suddenly realizing that he doesn't know where she lives. It occurs to him that she made a living off dancing, so it seemed plausible for her to be at the Thodos Dance Studio. "She better be there," he murmurs out of irritatance.

Without a thought, he steps on the gas pedal and speeds off towards the studio. For all he knows, she could starve to death after going broke, and that would probably be pinned as a murder. 

The drive is short, yet filled with tension nonetheless. "I need to see Naomi Andrews," is the first thing he says as he approaches the secretary. 

"She's busy training for the Allstar auditions," she says carelessly. "Just schedule an appointment with her and meet her then."

"No," he says slamming his hand on the counter. "You don't understand. I have her wallet from last night." The secretary looks at him with a raised eyebrow. It takes a while for it to click, but when it does, Theo can't help but groan in disgust.

"It was nothing like what you're thinking," he deadpans. "She was at my coffee shop when she forgot it." 

"Sure," the secretary says with an eye roll. "Cassie?" she asks after dialing a number into the phone. "Some guy named—"

"Theodore," he says after hesitating. He knows that if Naomi finds out it's him, the Theo Steele from ten years ago, she would shun him away.

Well, at least that's what he thinks.

"Yeah," the secretary says. "A short dude named Theodore is here. Says he has Naomi's wallet." She sets the phone down, inspecting her nails.

"Well?" he asks irritatedly. 

"Oh," she says with an annoying laugh. "She'll be here in a minute."

"Correction," says a voice from behind him. "I'm already here." He turns around to find Naomi standing in her dance attire. 

"You forgot your wallet," he says taking it out of his back pocket

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"You forgot your wallet," he says taking it out of his back pocket.

"I told you," she says rubbing her temples. "You can keep it. I don't need the money anyway, I can live off food from the vending machine for at least another week." She keeps rambling on, but that's not what Theo has his attention on.

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