1 || Pain

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"Stupid, meaningless, waste of space, you shouldn't have been born in the first place!" Each and every hateful word or phrase came along with some sort of physical abuse. My body was littered with bruises and scars from now and early childhood. From head to toe, there would be some evidence of beatings.

Ever since mom died, dad started drinking. It was a few bottles until all the time. By the time I was seven I received beatings if I didn't do anything I was told. I came across the police once when I was five but they emitted me to a hospital than doing something.

For eight long years, I had to endure the abuse and harsh words. New ones form every day. Luckily I went to school but making friends was a challenge because I was 'quiet'. I never asked to be treated like this, I just want to be cared for or important to someone. But that's not going to happen anytime soon.


"Hey, wench! Did you make me lunch and buy more beer!?" I flinched as I cautiously walked towards my father that was watching T.V.

"I'm s-sorry sir, I-I haven't m-made lunch because y-you haven't told m-me to but I-I can get you m-more beer." He turned his head towards me, making me step back. I mentally slapped myself for stuttering so much.

"You should be sorry, I wanted lunch prepared when I say so! Get me more beer!" He threw his recently empty beer bottle at me. Knowing the drill and dodged the flying object I went to get dad a few more beer bottles. With his greasy hands, he yanked the bottles out of mine.

"Go to your room and stay there, that's an order." I nodded and ran up the stairs to my safe haven. My room was the only place I hardly get hurt at. There were a few times he tried to rape me but he would pass out before he does. But being the daughter I am and knowing he would punish me in the morning I set up a pillow and blanket for him. Along with a glass of water and painkillers.

I just wish he can be the same kind father he was in the past. When mom was alive, well, happy. I laid on my bed and looked at my necklace mom left me. It was a (favorite item) with a bead next to it with my name. A yawn rolled off my throat and sleep washed over me into darkness.


"Momma! Look!" I ran happily towards a woman with (h/c) hair and bright (e/c) eyes, similar to mine.

"What a pretty flower crown, _______. (D/n), look what our daughter made." I handed the flower crown I made to dad as mom placed me on her soft lap.

He smiled sweetly towards me and placed it on my head. "Perfect fit for a princess, our Princess ______."

Time Skip

"Mom? Wake up, dad's crying. We can all sleep together and dream happily...." My voice died down as a monotone ring invaded our eardrums. Moms body isn't moving. I walked up to the white bed and shook mom's cold hand.

"Mommy!" Tears spilled out my eyes as I felt a pair of arms wrap around me.

"It's ok _________, mommy's at a better place now. She will watch over us from there..." Warm liquid soaked my left shoulder.



I opened my eyes, water dropped out of them onto my hard pillow. Tears. Another dream or another nightmare of my past. Those happened almost quite frequently. I looked at my alarm clock that says almost 3:30 A.M. Too early in my opinion but I don't feel like falling back to sleep again.

I made my way downstairs to see my father still awake. Carefully, quietly, but not enough. Stepping on some glass, making me hiss in pain and clutching my foot. Dad noticed and looked my way with wide eyes but then quickly grew into anger.

"What are you doing up? Aren't you supposed to be asleep?" I nodded and trembled while backing away.

"I-I couldn't sleep and thought a-a glass of water w-would calm me down." He reached out and grabbed a fist full of my (hair length) hair then smashing me into the wall. I cried in pain from the impact.

"I could find something to calm you down! Go take a breather and don't expect me to let you back in!" With all his might dragging me and throwing me out of the house into the cold streets of America. Ah, the stone is cold. It somehow soothes my burning bruises and scars that are boiling but the new ones hurt from contact.

"I-I'm f-free?" I whispered to myself as I stood up and looked at the dark night sky. The stars glittered like sparkles. Were they this beautiful before? A cold breeze brushed my skin making me shiver. Warming myself up by rubbing my arms with my so cold hands. I only wore a T-shirt and ripped pants but that won't keep me warm.

I set foot on the streets to find a decent shelter. After a while, that seems to be a few hours which is just 30 min. I came across a fairly large building and around the corner were huge boxes. I mean huge boxes. With nowhere to go, I chose the biggest box to fit my small and weak frame. It helped to block the wind but wouldn't give me any warmth.

Rain soon poured, muffling all the sounds around me. Only the patting of the drops of water that hits the cardboard. Contently I sighed, feeling less miserable as before. I wonder what I'm going to do now. I have no job, I didn't graduate from high school yet plus I look poor, which I am. A loud growl came from my stomach, telling me to eat. I clutched it, trying to growl less but then I heard other sounds.

"Hello? Anyone there?" I poked my head out to the voice and saw a man. Terrified if it was someone going to hurt me or take me away I retreated back into the box. The bottom and the sides were wet making me shiver. I felt cold water rumble on me and the noise grew louder. I looked up to see the same man or person lifted the hood of the box.


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