The End.

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*hecka time lapse to june*

Today was it.

All of the people who have ever called me names or beat me up were going to be out of my life.

All of the scars on my wrists would just be memories.

All of the crying, all of the panic attacks, all of the stress would be gone.

Today is graduation day.

Judas and I sat next to each other in our assigned seats, since both our last names start with I.

Sitting in our red cap and gowns in the middle of the football field was a really weird feeling.

Like I said on the first day of the school year, I have been thinking about this day since I was little, and thinking about how far away it was.

Now, it's here. I never knew I would make it this far. I had lost all hope for myself a while back. But now, with the help of Gerard and Judas, I believe there's a reason why I'm here.

I glanced at the bleachers on the sides. Hundreds of parents and other people filled the columns. I examined each and every row to find Gerard.

I saw him at the very top row, alone. Nobody around him. It was one of the empty rows.

But he wasn't just alone, the whole gang was there. Mikey, Donna, and even Alicia was there, too.

I was still really happy for Mikey, I'm glad him and Alicia are together. He was really happy with her.

Gerard sat indian style next to Mikey, with his tight jeans squeezing his legs. The soft breeze made his hair fly.

I saw Gerard wave and blow a kiss to me from the distance. I guess he saw me looking at him.

I waved and blew a kiss back to him and smiled. I faintly saw him smile, too.

I think it's safe to say that I'm in love with Gerard. He has impacted me in so many ways possible. We are the best people together. It's not one of those relationships where you like each other, and then get bored after a while.

This was real.

I really couldn't wait until the ceremony started. I wanted to get this over with, so everything can be over.

After waiting in the beating sun for a while, everybody had arrived, and the ceremony began with the national anthem.

After that, everything was a blur until names were called.

The announcer called off names beginning with the letter A. "Anthony Abett... Jamie Arya..."

All of the populars, the outcasts, the jocks, and the nerds were being called up one after another.

It got closer and closer to my name, Frank Iero.

I was biting my lip and twitching my fingers. My anxiousness was taking over.

"Judas Ikert..."

Judas walked up confidently, with no fear in the world. His fringy hair covered his eyes, and the sunlight gleamed against his silver lip piercing.

He shook Mr. Lifton's hand, and walked away with a big smile ear to ear.

I turned to the bleachers. I saw Gerard and Mikey clapping in the stands.

I'm next.

"Frank Iero..."

I walked up, unstable. My legs were shaking. I was nervous as hell.

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