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Almost a week has passed and things have started to get a little better.

Judas told me that he was back at his foster parents' house, trying to make peace with them. He said that even though they don't treat him like a son, they've started to adjust to him.

I'm just happy he's off the streets.

For Gerard, well, he's liking his new job. He said the students are mature and responsible, the total opposite of this school. He likes his fellow teachers, too. According to him, they're all friendly and nice.

If Gerard is happy, I'm happy for him. Simple as that.

And for me? Yeah, I'm still getting shoved into lockers. Not when Judas is around, though. That kid puts a force field around me somehow.

And, I have been clean for a few weeks, which has really been accomplishing for me. My scars were barely noticeable. Only white marks that looked like cat scratches were visible now.

I'm not going to lie, I'm really proud of myself.

In conclusion, every body is doing quite well. Gerard likes his new job. Judas is okay. And I'm doing better with anxiety and depression.

I felt like a light was shining in on my life for the first time in forever.

Okay, let me snap out of it. Right now, I just got out of school. It's Friday. Gerard and I were in the car to pick up Judas, we were gonna go to the movies to see the new remake of Carrie.

I was glad that Judas like horror movies as much as Gerard and I, or else the three of us probably wouldn't know what to do with ourselves.

Plus, the movies was one of the only places I didn't feel anxious or nervous. It's dark, nobody is looking at us, and I get so interested in the movie that I don't care what's going on around me.

We arrived at Judas's house. He was waiting outside on the driveway, sitting on a skateboard with his back against the garage door and playing around on his phone. When we pulled in, Judas didn't notice us. We wereat the end of the driveway. So, being us, Gerard and I decided to make a joke out of it.

"Honk the horn!" I ordered. Soon enough, Gerard hit the middle of the steering wheel with all of his force, and held his fist on it for a good ten seconds.

Judas nearly went flying. The skateboard flipped over, Judas landed his butt on the concrete ground, and his phone flew into the grass.

Tears were about to start coming out of my eyes, Judas's reaction was hysterical. Gerard and I cracked up, we laughed until it hurt.

Even Judas couldn't help but laugh at himself. He chuckled and yelled "Jerks!"

Gerard couldn't even get words out of his mouth because he was still laughing. "We couldn't help it!" he snorted.

Judas kicked the skateboard away and snatched his phone from the lawn. Shaking his head, he came into the car.

"Aren't you guys nice," he said sarcastically.

I turned my head to the backseat where he was. "Who's a better friend than us?"

As we got to the movie, Gerard purchased our tickets for Carrie and we headed into our theatre.

Remember when I said that even I was getting better with day-to-day things I struggle with? Well guess what? Now I'm holding a medium sized popcorn bucket all for myself.

I was gaining my appetite back.

I sat im the middle of Judas and Gerard at the very top row. We and another couple were the only people at that showing for the movie.


At times of the movie when we should have been frightened, we actually giggled.

Was that bad? Or were we all just too used to this stuff?

At a boring part of the movie, Gerard and I became your average annoying couple in the theatre. We kissed and kissed over and over again, barely watching the movie at times.

I bit his lip and he wrapped his arm around the back of my neck. We started to squirm around in our seats.

This was actually getting kind of intense.

"Hey guys, I know you're just having a grand 'ole time, but save it for the bedroom," Judas whispered to us as he shoved some popcorn in his mouth. Gerard and I let go of each other and blushed. Judas smirked.

Blood tricked down Carrie's face.

Finally, the good part when she goes bonkers.

But hey, I won't ruin it for you.

The movie ended, and surprisingly, I didn't have too much popcorn stranded at the bottom of the bucket.

I'm proud of myself, I haven't eaten that much, or have wanted to eat that much, in eternity.

We walked out of the theatre. Gerard and I were holding hands, and Judas just walked beside is.

We started driving home to our apartment.

You know, it felt good to call it "our apartment. I don't really have to make it "Gerard's apartment" any longer.

Suddenly, I dug deep into my mind and remembered something. I wanted to bite my tongue and not say a word, but I just had to.

"Uh, Gerard?" I murmured.


"Don't we have to visit Mikey and Your mom tonight? Like, right now?"

Gerard's dropped the F bomb. "I totally forgot!" he hindered. "Great."

Gerard turned the other way, going towards Judas's route.

"Judas, I have to drop you off at home. Sorry, man," Gerard sighed.

"S'okay," Judas replied. He didn't seem to have a problem at all.

That's one thing I like about Judas. He's such an easy going guy, he doesn't care about anything. He just wants everyone else to be happy. He puts everybody else's needs first.

We dropped him off at his house and saw him grab his skateboard. Maybe when we left he was gonna go for a nice, sunset ride. Even if it was December, and all of the grass was covered in frost.


It took us almost an hour to get to Gerard's mother's place. It wasn't as long as it took last time, thank god.

We knocked on the door and got greeted by Gerard's mother, Donna. She was utterly astounded to see us standing there.

Maybe she was so in shock because we haven't even spoken to her since the last time we saw her.

"Oh, Gerard, what a surprise."

I rolled my eyes.

"Frank," she greeted me. I faked a smile, just like she did.

Donna motioned us inside. "Well, come on in."

Gerard and I stepped in to the house. As Donna left for the kitchen, both of us heard her mumble under her breath. "God, I cannot believe they're still together."

"We heard that mom. You're not that great of a whisperer," Gerard whispered, mocking his mother. She ignored him and swayed her hips sassily side to side into the kitchen.

I can see where Gerard gets some of his sass from.


(A/N) kind of a pointless chapter, basically just for showing change in the characters.

continue to comment & vote. all of the feedback you gives helps a lot.

(also, follow me on my instagram, @mychemicalpony)


-laser candy

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