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It was lunch. I sat alone, drawing doodles on the palm of my left hand in black sharpie.

I had to do something to pass the time, right?

It was my first time alone at lunch in a while. I missed going to Gerard's room for lunch. He gave me comfort and happiness.

I have been slowly loosing my happiness since he left. It was only the other day, but I miss him. Things weren't the same.

Though, I still kind of feel like he's upset. I hated that feeling. When Gerard's upset, I get upset too.

And worried.

I was also worried about another thing that hung over me.

Where was he? Why wasn't he next to me when I woke up? Why couldn't he drive me to school?

If he doesn't keep his promise about picking me up at school, I don't know what I'll do.

I hope this doesn't become a regular thing. I mean, maybe he's just trying to get away and forget about last night. He seemed pretty flustered.

He just better be okay.

I sat alone at a six chair table, pondering about everything.

I caught a few people looking over at me. But, what was I to expect from everyone. So much has happened to me that it seems normal to stare at me.

I was a freak.

I drew more doodles on my hand, and out of nowhere, a sandwich pelted me.

I gleamed over at Jessica Walsh's table, where her whole posse laughed historically. There was no doubt they threw the sandwich.

I pinched a piece of turkey off of my lap and threw it under the table.

Suddenly, a familiar face appeared and sat down right across from me.

It was Judas.

He placed his tray of food in front of him and swiped his hair out of his eyes.

"Hey, mind if I sit here?" he asked politely.

"Uh, no. S'okay," I murmured. I adjusted my posture, and put the cap on the sharpie. I hid it away in my jacket pocket.

I slid my tongue over my lower lip, and looked down at my lap.

I barely knew this kid. I didn't know how to make friends. He obviously wanted to be with to me. And to be honest, I wanted to be with him too.

I needed somebody that could help me, since Gerard was kicked out, but I can't even form one word around somebody without stuttering.

Okay, Frank. Maybe if you don't say anything and maintain this silence, Judas won't talk either.

I could hope all I wanted to, but it was no use. Judas was a social butterfly. At least around me.

Just as I thought, Judas started to talk to me. "Your name's Frank, right?" he inquired. I looked up and bobbed my head in the 'yes' motion.

I immediately unlocked eyes with him and went back to staring at my crotch.

"I see you're not much of a talker," Judas suggested. He ran his fork through the mush that was served in the cafeteria. "Maybe I can break you out of your shell."

Judas smirked as he played with his food that he refused to eat. I don't blame him.

"I-I don't know. I'm not the talky type," I said, with a tiny little laugh at the end. I slid down in my chair again, creating bad posture.

"You never know," Judas shrugged.

I breathed out slowly, calming my heart from beating out of my chest.

My social anxiety seems to get worse and worse everyday. But how do I stop it? I've been dealing with it for so long that I can't live like this anymore.

Judas and I sat quietly. I continued to draw on my hand, and he pushed his food around his tray.

As much as I was nervous, I was happy that Judas sat with me. Once everybody around us saw that him and I were sitting together, they backed off. It was nice not to be stared at for thirty minutes straight by people who judged everything you did.

The bell rang. It was time for fifth period. I grabbed my books off of the table and walked out of the cafeteria. Judas followed right behind me. He finally caught up to me and said goodbye.

"Cya tomorrow, alright?" he confirmed.

"Y-yeah, sure."

Gosh Frank, what have you gotten yourself into? Somebody's probably paying this dude to tolerate you.


I waited outside the school in the pouring rain. My hood was pulled over my head, and my teeth chattered from the cold, damp air.

Could Gerard come any slower?

Wait, was he even going to come at all? I mean, he left without telling me where he was going. That's a little odd, don't you think?

The words from the note this morning kept playing over and over in my head like a broken record.

"You'll have to catch the bus this morning. I'm out"

But where was "out"?

I waited and waited for his black car to pull up.

Finally, after a suspenseful fifteen minutes, he came.

I slammed the car door shut. The rain drops on the window flew off and on to the ground from my force.

Gerard started driving. He didn't even say anything to me. Not "hello" not "what happened today?"


I huffed out as much air through my nose as possible, and confronted him.

"Where were you?" I asked, as calm as possible.

Gerard quickly gleamed over to me and back on to the road.

"Well? Where?" I emphasized.

Was he still upset with me? Is that why he isn't talking to me?

Great, that's the last thing I need.

He groaned. "I was all around, looking for schools to apply to."

That's it? All this time I was worried for him finding a new job?

Well that's a relief. I was sacred half to death. The whole day was agonizingly painful because I had to think about the fact that Gerard may not pick me up after school.

I sighed in comfort, knowing that I didn't have to be nervous anymore.

"Find any you like?" I responded.

"Yeah, I found one high school I can substitute at. It's way nicer than Belleville High," he boasted. "I think I'm going to arrange a job interview."

My smile widened and it stretched from ear to ear. "Th-that's great!" I fought for my breath, I was the happiest guy in the world knowing that he may be getting a job back. "Any school would be lucky to have you."

We stopped at a stop light, and Gerard looked over at me. He looked into my eyes, and I looked into his. His smile almost disappeared.

"But if they accept me, it's not going to be the same without you."


(A/N) i hope you guys are liking judas! dont worry, he's not taking over the whole scene. im just giving frank a friend. he'll be a main character most likely, but he wont be too included im big parts of the story.

dont forget to vote & comment & give lots of feedback! it really helps me out



-laser candy

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