Chapter 8: Return to Malfoy Manor

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Chapter 8

     “This place is huge,” Rouge said as they approached the gates of the stately home of the Malfoy family. “Nice spread. I like the place.”

     The driveway to the home of Echo’s extended family was curved and led straight to a great wrought-iron fence. When the group approached the gate, the iron contorted and twisted. The iron creaked loudly and formed into an angry and hideous face.

     “State your business,” the wrought-iron face demanded.

     “Whoa,” Rouge whispered.

     “I’ve come to see Lucius Malfoy,” Echo told the fence boldly.

     “Who are you?” the face on the gate asked. It furrowed its iron brows and looked at Echo closely.

     Echo thought carefully. She almost introduced herself as Echo Turan but decided against it. “I’m Lucius’ niece. I’m Lyssa Lestrange.”

     The wrought-iron face grunted. It then twisted its shape once more and returned to its dormant state as an old gate. The gate swung open of its own accord and allowed them passage.

     “At least they have good protection,” Rain Fox mumbled. “Who would ever want to make a face-gate angry?”

     Dev, Rain Fox, Rouge, and Echo walked through the large wrought-iron gates into the estate grounds. The driveway split what were sprawling elaborate gardens before the great many-windowed house. The lower floors had diamond-shaped windows, the upper floors’ windows long and paned. A row of yew hedges hid some of the lawns and gardens from view along the driveway. The overgrowth and the trees and terraces gave the gardens a sense of mystery, looming and dark. A trio of albino peacocks drank water from an elaborate marble fountain that bubbled and sang. Another bird was in a large poplar, Echo noticed. It was a sad, mournful-looking bird. It nested in a covey of brambles between three large branches, inside of a nest that looked like a teardrop. It was greenish black, larger than a vulture but thin and sallow.

     “Is that a Phoenix?” Echo asked, examining the bird from the pathway to the house.

     “No,” Rain Fox answered, “It’s an Irish Phoenix.”

     “Irish Phoenix?” Echo asked again, “What’s the difference between an Irish Phoenix and a regular Phoenix?”

     “It’s also called an Augurey,” Dev explained. “They’re not like Phoenixes. It’s just called the Irish Phoenix. An Augurey only flies in rain and it cries before storms. Some people used to think it was a harbinger of death.”

     “What’s a harbinger?” Echo asked.

     “Like a messenger,” Dev went on, “A thing or person that warns about bad stuff, like a bad omen.”

     “That’s bird’s a bad omen, eh?” Rouge quipped, “That’s not a good sign for us.”

     “For once,” Rain Fox spoke, “I agree with Rouge. You need to know something about the Malfoys, Echo, before you knock on their front door.”

     “What?” Echo asked. “I know that Lucius Malfoy was a Death Eater. All I keep hearing about was that he was a big shot Death Eater.”

     “It’s not just that, Echo,” Rain Fox explained, “The Malfoys have been really strong proponents of the Pureblood movement. They’ve cut off family members just for fraternizing with anyone Half-blood or less. When I was younger my mum always said the Malfoys were the nastiest of people; really cruel and very arrogant.”

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