Miss Winchester (Castiel)

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"Poppin bottles in the ice, like a blizzard
When we drink we do it right gettin slizzard."

Chewing the gum in my mouth I walked down the side walk, wearing a red and black flannel over a grey tank, jeans and boots as well as a hikers backpack.

Looking at the world in front of me through my sun glasses I hummed along to the songs that played on my iPod, then I spotted it.

Instantly my feet stopped and I was drooling, literally, it was dribbling down my chin as I stared at the car with an open mouth, wiping the drool from my chin with my sleeve I looked around the silent motel and ran over to it.

Peering through the glass I pulled my lock picks out of my back pocket, glancing around I bent down and shoved the lock picks into the key hole and stuck my tongue out between my teeth as I worked on getting the black Impala to open up for Mama Bear.

Suddenly there was a click and I stood up, opening the car door I grinned and slid into the front seat before I bent down and stuck the lock picks into the car key hole again and fiddled with the key hole - and the car purred to life.

"Oh sweet baby Nacho's." I threw my bag into the passenger seat and stared at the wheel in awe, closing the door I put my seat belt on and run my hands over the steering wheel, "Mama's getting luck-ay." I chuckled.

Looking over my shoulder I reversed, and then put this baby to go.

"HEY!" looking up I see a short, really attractive man and in jeans and a t-shirt waved his hands around.

 I gave him a little wave, knowing he wouldln't be able to see my features because of the beanie on my head and the sun glasses over my eyes. Grinning like an idiot I drove away, listening to ACDC - head banging and singing along like an idiot as I partied to the next town over.

 Suddenly I heard a ringing cutting through the music and I turn it down before I looked from the road, reached over to the side of the passenger chair and felt a cold metal. Pulling it back to my face as I stared at the road I glanced at the phone in my hand, opened it and then pressed the green button.


"Give me back my car you bitch."

"I think I'll keep this beauty - don't worry, she's in good hands.

"GIVE MY BABY BACK!" the guys screams and I hear heavy breathing on the other end.

"Whoa dude, you need to take calming breaths, in and out - because I think your having a panic attack." I say in concern.

"GIVE HER BACK TO ME-" sighing I turned the phone off and tossed it on the floor of the passenger seat and continued driving down the highway. 

"WHOOO!" I yelled, stepping on the gas and flew down the highway - this has been the best decision I've ever done.

Well, besides my top three best things I've ever done.

This is going to be the best adventure yet.

Little Winchester (Castiel)Where stories live. Discover now