Chapter 3 - Out from the Dragon's Gates.

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   Kardie knew that something bad happened, she could feel it in her blood. And walking around her circle room by the top of a tower guarded by a five-headed mechanical dragon wasn't helping.

   Her father is an idiot. She knew that. Because she can't get out of her tower in the same way a prince could get in. She was overthinking about it since the day they brought her here, where she'll wait for her prince to come. It was supposed to be perfect, normally, less than a year one of those charming hotties would come to rescue you from your dragon. And guess what? It's been half a month.

   She was totally hopeless! Out of all the kingdoms in the bloody Earth, not even a single one of those son of Kings found her. She's not that ugly, is she? With those flaming red hair, and black coffee eyes, she totally looked smooth. Plus the freckles around her nose . . . Huh, I'm in love. Yes, but perhaps because I'm the narrator that means I don't stand a chance. I could only explain her, and describe her and everything, but she can't even see me. Damn, I am so glad she's one of the main characters. No matter how much it would melt my heart whenever I describe her with another man.

   She thought about Phan, but sure his brother won't even try— of course, Phan was like, the single laziest person she had ever met. She totally disowned him; so many times she lost count. And for another reason, why would Phan even care about her? His brother had his own life now, probably questing, finding towers and dragons. . . She was so pleased to be a woman, at least she won't experience getting out there fighting stinking ogres right below the triple-hot sun. The idea was totally, yuck.

   So here she was again, walking aimlessly around the large empty space. The whole room was made of bricks. Brick walls, brick floor, brick ceiling, so it didn't surprise her that the room smelled like one too. A large red carpet laid above the floor, there were drawers around the room filled with books she never had dared to read (Phan donated them), clothes that magically wash themselves, and food that magically appears every time she needs one.

   There was everything she needed except one: A bloody prince.

   She can't just stay there forever. The whole room was filled with stuff with the word boring labelled in them. She wondered how Phan could survive locking inside his room for a whole year, burying his face inside these words-filled collection of paper he called books. The things are just too, mainstream. Phan said he entered worlds a lot more fun than this by just reading, but sure enough he wasn't outside his room long enough to know what fun is. He's just there, with his friend Kog visiting him about thrice  per three days.

   Reminded of Kog, Kardie thinks he's super-hot. That's all. The guy wasn't a prince, so definitely she's out of his league so much he won't even dare talk to her. The only reason why the dishwasher and Phan were friends because Phan was planning to be one.

   She snapped back to reality. The side effects of being alone inside a tower for about half a year (it felt like to years, she would tell herself) is that, you have nothing to do but think about all the things you have done in your life. After that, you'll think about all the things other people have done in their life, And after all of that, you'll think about your brother the prince and criticize his nerdy attitude all along with his extravagant procastination.

   As she gazed outside her window, she could see the dragon guarding her castle. Its five heads made it sure that no prince without a brave heart would dare seek for her heart. Its fire-breathing ability made it sure that no prince with a brave heart but without vigour could get her heart. And its metal skin made it sure that no prince with a brave heart and a vigour without a bloody flaming-ironsword could enter her bloody castle.

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