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Saurmon the White Wizard stood and all the anger I had in every part of my body sparked.

"Fire-scales," He said under his breath.

A wave of an invisible force shoved me off balance, but my eyes closed as my wings shot open. I pressed back, a snake like hiss making the others stagger away. I growl and lunge, taking everyone by surprise.

"Enough, Emerald Fire!" Gandalf boomed

I backed away, my claws raking against the stoned beneath me.

Galadriel didn't look happy."Why do you attack her, White Wizard?"

Another long hiss escapes me and I glare down at him.

"She is of a race I do not care fro, My Lady. She does not belong on this earth."

Bilbo's POV

I covered my ears as her roar erupted, shaking the earth. Emerald was coming this close to killing him.

"Calm down," Galadriel soothed."If you hurt him, chaos will take place, Fire-Scales."

Her sides heaved, and shed took long puffy breaths as her chest swirled with color. Finally she turned away from the White Wizard and lay down, a her tail coiling around my feet as she yanked me upward.

"Such an outburst." Thorin mused

She snorted, large nostrils gaping.

"Dwarves! Master Oakenshield keep your words to yourself before I burn you alive!"

I was now sitting on her large head, hands scrunched up in smooth black feathers.

"What brings you with the dwarves?" Elrond asked her

"Gandalf said they needed me. I do not turn down the favor when they are my friends." She looked at Thorin sharply

Her voice was so smooth, it made me want to drown in it. Emmy moved beneath me, long tail resting on her front paws.

"Where do you come from?" I asked suddenly."What is your story?"

She was silent. She stood up, and started walking away from the moon ledge.


I saw Kili and Fili running toward us. They clambered up her tail, slipping on her scales. She hissed in pain as Kili yanked a feather out. She glared at them both.

"Can you be less ungraceful?" She seethed, foul mood coming back

Her jagged wing talons scraped together,making me grit my teeth at the stinging noise.

"What's wrong, Em?"

"Wizards. Me. Dwarves. Specifically your uncle." She muttered

Her back hunched and the dwarves sat at the junction of her neck.

"Bilbo," She whispered."Would you like to hear my story?"

I found myself nodding. She bowed her elegant head.

"Kili, Fili stay. I will talk to the Hobbit alone."

They both nodded respectfully, and bounded off.

"You might want to hold on." She murmured

I nodded again, and held onto a curved horn.

Her wings opened and she leapt into the air in a single flap of them. For some reason I wasn't scared. I felt excitement rush through me.

Everything blurred as she passed by trees, gusts of wind ruffling her feathers. She landed in a clearing with a bubbling creek bed, and small waterfall. I hopped off with the help of her tail and made myself comfortable on a mossy rock.

She stood and she started to speak quietly.

"Long ago, there were many of my kind. All colors. All talents and abilities. Then an evil crept into the lands and killed them off one by one. My father, Lupus Fire, was a great king of the time. One of the largest and most powerful, my father was proud. He met Belisha, a she-elf. Belsiha and him fell in love, but not even Sauromon accepted the fact that an elf fell in love with a ledgedary guardian of middle earth. She birthed three find boys with the gene from their father to shift. But then something happened. She was pregnant with a girl. Gandalf, whom knew my dad since a child, knew my powers. He could feel them. My mom gave birth to me, and died doing that consumed in flames. My dad left, leaving with my three older siblings. I was raised by elves. Elrond loved me as his own daughter. Galadriel took care of the things when I was smorinal when I wanted to know about my real parents. They told me my fsthger was a kind man, but thought I was dead when my mom died."

I looked up at her with true sadness."And you've wanted to know more?"

She nodded."But they think I know enough to the point that everyone thinks my kind has died out."

I hesitantly brushed my hand against her smooth side. My hand bumped over the rbs through muscle and hide, feeling the warmness wave out.

"Why would something want to kill such beauty, such goodness?" I ask, her scales gleaming in the bright moonlight. Her head swivels around and she looks at me with wise green eyes.

" And evil long ago... one that was so dark, no light could reach its soul." I whisper, " Bilbo, never let any darkness get to you."

I nodded,unable to get any words out. Her tailwraps around me, and we fly back in silence.

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