So this is the hobbit

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"The small town of the Shire was is very quaint and peaceful", Gandalf says, " Not many in this part of the Shire, though, are to men on the idea of an adventure." he continues, whistling an old song. I smile up at him.

"You know, if I ever new this lace existed I might have just settled down here." I tell him. He looks down at me, understanding in his ancient blue eyes.

" I know Emmy, I know." he murmers, and this time I join him in the old walking song.

The road goes ever on and on

Down from the door where it began.

Now far ahead the road has gone

and I must follow if I can.

Pursuing it with weary feet

Until it joins some larger way.

Where many paths and errands meet.

And whither then? I cannot say.

My voice rings out along the path, drawing awed stares from the Hobbits out tending their gardens. We reach the top of a hill with a large Oak tree standing proudly on top. We continue our song until we reach a hobbit hole with a green door and a golden haired hobbit sitting in front of it. He has his eyes closed and seems to be enjoying the beautiful day when Gandalf turns the smoke ring he had blown into a butterfly, making it fly into his face. His eyes open slowly, but show clear shockmat the sit of a tall grey Wizard and a short Hobbitish woman.

" Good morning." he says, I nod my head towards him, and continue to study his impeccable garden.

" What do you mean, good morning? Do simply wish me a good morning whether I want it or not. Or do you simply feel good on this particular morning? Or is it just a morning to be good on?" Gandalf says,I look at him with an amused smile. Biblo falters in his polight smile, u able to keep up with the Wizard his riddle speaking.

"All of them at once I suppose." he stammers. He pauses when we don't move on like we should.

" Can I help you." he says, and I know he will regret it later on. I stay quiet and stand always behind Gandalf watching the Monarch Butterflies fly to the right flowers. I only half listen to their conversation.

" You've changed Bilbo Baggins and not entirely for the better, you remember my name though you may not remember that I remember it, I am Gandalf and Ga calf means......Me." Gandalf says and I zone out again, become ing bored with the abrupt Hobbit.

" We do not want any adventures here. Thank You. Try over there water or....Good morning!" Bilbo says and walks towards his door closing it firmly behind him. I look at Gandalf from under my white hood. Gandalf frowns, but a chuckle makes its easy from his mouth.

" Yes, he is the one." he mumbles and walks up the tiny stone stair case and puts a faint blue mark on the door. I smirk at the translation,

" You sure you want a Hobbit, especially this one?" I ask and I follow him down the dirt road. He looks at me and smiles fondly at me.

" I am quite sure Emerald Fire." and I scowl at my full name but say nothing, "plus it will be very good for him and the others." he continues, I snort. He pretends not to hear it and continues his song. I roll my eyes at the wizards good mood. I smile as he sings a much more lively toon, dragging me into it after the first few verses. That poor Hobbit, he was going to have a lot of trouble on his hands later tonight.

(Bilbos POV )

The sound of partying dwarves rang in my slightly pointed ears as the blonde one known as Fili hands out mugs of my best ale to the others.

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