Radagast the Brown

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Thorin's gaze lowers to me, still lay against him. His smile darkens into a frown, yet again marring his handsome features. Wait, handsome? Where did that thought come from. I roll me eyes,

" I would get up,, but at the moment my leg and arms are useless." I mutter, he scowls and begins to squirm around, struggling in the bag.

" Stop, your only making thing worse!" I yell as he ends up kicking my ribs again. He sends me a fleeting glance and starts squirming again.

" I said STOP!" I yell, " you are hurting me." I growl, trying to ignore my throbbing body, those trolls had a very tight grip. Thorin seizes his movement.

" you are injured." he states casually, I roll my eyes.

"what was your first hint?" I growl. He looks down from my fierce stare. I frantically look around, all the others are dressing themselves,

"Uh yeah,uh hey!" I yell, " can we get some help, please?" I continue.Thorin gives me a funny look, " Yes Master Oakenshield I said please!"

I hear chuckling and  snickersnfrom behind me. I turn my head and see Kili, Fili, and Dwalin laughing with mirth shining in their eyes. We both glare.

"Kili, Fili, Dwalin?" I call out sweetly, they look at me still chuckling, " do you know what an angry woman looks like?" I ask putting a smile on my face. They go serious and slowly nod their heads.

"Well I am part human and part elf....trust me, there are A LOT of very angry women in my ancestry, do NOT push my temper!" I say nicely.

They all pale and soon I am dusting my dark green and silver clothes off. I throw my white cloak, now smudged with dirt, over my shoulders and stare with disgust at the statues.

"Where were you may I ask." I hear Thorin say to Gandalf.

"Looking ahead," he simply states and I turn to the wizard a playful smirk on my face.

"What brought you back?" Thorin questions further.

"Looking behind." Gandalf simply answers. I laugh and he sends me an amused smile, " Nasty business, but you all are still in one piece." he says looking pointedly at the trolls. Thorin smirks.

"No thanks to your burglar." he says smugly. I glare  bore down on him.

"He had the nous to play for time, none of the rest of us thought of that!" I snarl. Gandalf nods, while Thorin just look at the ground.

"They must have come down from the Ettenmoors." Gandalf mummers. Thorin looks at the statues sharply,

"Since when do mountain trolls travel so far north?" he wonders aloud, and a dark thought passes through my mind.

Not since...... I look up at Gandalf. His face is etched with lines of a terrible memory,

"Not since a darker power ruled over these lands." He whispers," but they could not have traveled in daylight." he says after a moments rest. Thorin spins around searching the trees.

"There must be a cave nearby!" he whispers.

"What is that foul stench?" Thorin says

"It is a troll cave, be careful what you touch." Gandalf advised

I could not help but reel back with a disgusted hiss.

I hear a bunch of gags and look over.

"Having fun?" I ask Kili with a grin

He glowers,"Oh just excellent Emmy. It's smells of roses and flowers!"

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