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Allie woke to something being moved. It was Dahlia who was looking though the cardboard boxes under Angels bed.

"What is it?" Allie asked rolling on to her back and looking up at Dahlia. To her surprise Dahlia looked different. it took her recently woken mind a little while to realise why Dahlia was wearing makeup.

"What's going on" Allie asked sitting up in bed rubbing her eyes.

Dahlia smiled, " We're going to a party." Out of the boxes she pulled out a short purple dress "This looks like it will fit you."

"Don't we have to work tonight." Allie asked looking at the dress. it was pale purple and silver thread designing the hem. She had earnt enough money from the silver plated chain to last a couple of days but Dahlia had not. Times were tough at the moment and everyone at the cove were struggling. The rumors she heard the night before had frightened many people and caused them to stay at home after dark.

"There will be plenty of people there who are easy mix of cash and alcohol,"  giggled Dahlia, "I love parties, I can make a killing in one night."

After Dahlia left the room Allie put on the dress. She had no make up so she borrowed some of Dahlias. She only applied eyeliner and pink lip gloss. There was no mirror so she had to assume that it looked ok. Then she ruffled up her hair so it looked slightly messy and went out to meet Dahlia.

The pair of them met outside the cove, "Where is Angel, isn't she coming? asked Allie looking around.

"No she is not," snapped Dahlia, "Don't you understand she is not just leaving the life, she is leaving us too." 

Allie said no more about the subject and followed Dahlia. Allie had not considered the effects of Angels new job had on there trio. she would not risk being arrested by hanging out with them if she was no longer committing crimes. She felt tears in her eyes at the thought of losing her family again. She decided that instead of being bitter of it like Dahlia, Allie would chose to be supportive. Angel had the right to lead the life of her choosing. Suddenly they stopped in an area that was familiar. This was where she was when a paint can was dropped on her head.

"look up there," Dahlia said pointing up at the painting.

Allie gasped in wonder. It was a scene of a alley way in the rain. the artwork made the alley way look longer. Painted people with brightly coloured umbrellas were walking up and down the street. Alley wished that she had payed more attention to the artist.

"I hear music."said Allie listening to the steady beat.

"were not close enough yet." Explained Dahlia, "Everytime Chess paints a picture there is going to be a party"

"How do you know he painted it?" she asked

"look closely"said Dahlia pointing to the top let corner of the painting. Allie looked. In the rain clouds she could see a faint outline of a horse.

"A Knight." exclaimed Allie.

"Yes, now we have to go three streets ahead and then three more streets to the left." Smirked Dahlia grabbing Allie's hand and leading her along the maps route.

Allie KatOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora