The Jump

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A voice from the bar echoed causing Allie to freeze, "I know you are there! You are stealing form the wrong person." Allie did not know what he meant until she heard the unmistakable sound of a gun being loaded. She spun around and looked for an escape but she could see none. All the doors and windows had been locked for the night. Allie remembered a old small window by out by the end of the  bar leading to the fire escape. The window was so old that she was likely to be able to open it with her knife. Only bad thing was the man with gun could spot her if she moved.

Keeping low to the ground she left the back room but stayed behind the bar out of sight. Silently she crept along the bar while the man in the club paced on the other side.

"Show yourself!" He ordered. Not allowing herself to act on her fight or flight instincts, she continued to slowly crawl to the window. She always listened out for the foot steps of the man with the gun. Once she reached the end of the bar she looked round the side to observe the man. It was the owner of the bar. He was peering nervously into the room she had just been in. His hand was tightly clutched around his pistol. He didn't seem as threatening now as he just looked scared.

When he disappeared into the room Allie pulled up her hood to cover her face and ran for the window. It was locked. Quickly Allie pulled out a knife form her sock. And began to leaver the window open. It was old so it snapped open creaking loudly as it did.

"Hey! stop," he shouted, firing a shot at Allie who was already half out the window. It skipped harmlessly of the neighboring building's stones. Allie wasted no time and ran up the fire escape onto the top of the building. The steps were cold and ratted unsteadily with each step. There was a sudden lurch of the metal staircase. The bar owner was following her. When Allie heard the second gun shot and and the shape whiz of the bullet she increased her speed.

Vaulting over the brick ledge, Allie landed on the crunchy gravel. The roof was small compared to the others nearby. She stalked around the edge of the roof. Looking around, frantically, she could see no way back down. Except the way she came which was no longer an option. The neighbouring buildings were all far away. The closest one was just under six meters away but was slightly lower. Sitting on the smooth concrete opposite was a familiar figure, licking  her paws. The same silver cat was here. Allie's heart leapt with joy.
"Help me!" she shouted. She realized it must have looked silly but she was scared and desperate. The cat stopped cleaning her paws and looked at her. Even from the distance apart they were she cold see the intelligent eyes calculating. The silver cat climbed up onto the brick wall and stared at her over the gap. Then in jumped high before it landed back on the wall. Just then another shot was fired and the cat darted out of sight. Even though, that cats message was clear. She had to jump.

Backing away to the furthest possible distance and her heart quickened in anticipation. She felt strangely calm for what she was about to do. She ran across the roof and when her foot landed centimetres from the edge she leapt. What must have been seconds felt like minutes. Alley was suspended in the air with her knees tucked up to her chin. Arms prepared to protect her face from the landing.

When time finally seemed to start again she crashed in the roughy cement floor. Adrenalin masked the pain form the small stones digging in to her hands. This building had a fire escape with no disgruntled bar owner with a gun so she climbed down it with out hesitation.

Allie KatWhere stories live. Discover now