24; Thanks for loving me, you're doing it perfectly.

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*I'm incredibly sorry.

   The longer I stand here, the louder the silence. I know that you're gone but sometimes I swear that I hear your voice when the wind blows so I talk to the shadows hoping you might be listening.

"Don't ever tell me what I can and can't do with it!"

"How could you even dare call him that!? All you ever do is yell at the boy! Let him be for once, he's only a child!"

"It is a bad child, bad children should get disciplined!"

"Why?! What did the poor boy do this time?! Accidentally spill something!? Forgot to wash your favorite dress?! You're insane!"

  My ears were muffled by my small hands, but even then, I could still hear the constant banging of things being thrown around, the constant shatter of plates or vases. The only thing my father can actually destroy without getting the cops called on him. He doesn't hit women, yet I wouldn't necessarily say that he wasn't abusive. He treated me okay, less affectionate than normal parents should be like, but in situations like these, he'd stick up for me.
Honestly, even though I was only ten, I understood that he was incapable of showing affection. He just. . . Doesn't know how. He's tries, but it only ends up being something totally different than he intends, so he just gives up.

"Oh so you're on his side now?! If you want it so badly, take it! Leave!"
She's always referred me to, 'it'
I don't even think she remembers my name.

"You know I can't do that, what is your problem!? Can't you just be a parent for once?! Can't you be a decent person for the first time in all of your pathetic life?! Not even for your own son?! I don't know what went through my damn head when I married you! I swear someone should have slapped me or something when I said I was getting together with you! You are the biggest mistake of my whole life!"
His mistake. His biggest mistake. Now when I was real little, I thought he had meant, meeting her was his mistake. But it was so clear now, I was a big part of this mistake, considering I came from her. I loved the both of my parents though. They were everything to me before things started to get over whelming.

   I loved them both to death, even if the old woman hit me a lot, I still know, deep down, that she will always be my mother, and if she hates me, then she has to deal with the fact that I love her unconditionally. And That I always have.

   I loved everyone. I tried for everybody, made people smile, made people laugh, I made a couple of people, or lets say just one, fall in love with me. And I'm grateful for what I have, I wouldn't trade my life for anyone's, not now, not ever. I'll always be in love with how things went down, but now things must end. All Thats left of me, will be remembered always.

I loved you.

Sodapop's View)

   Everyone was frantic. The social worker was supposed to be here in a few hours, the house was spotless and the groceries were put away in the correct places, surprisingly. Me and Steve got everyone to get the hell out, because I really didn't feel like having this woman thinking we were complete hoodlums. I'm sure she's got the picture of us being greasers though, since we lived on the other side of town and we were basically poor.

  But unfortunately for Darry and Me, the boys decided to stay, they wanted to give the social worker soenthing to think about, in their own words. I guess their reputations got the best of them.

"Soda!" I heard Darry yell from the kitchen, I walked in to see him fumbling with the stove, fixing up dinner.

"Yup," I popped the p, nonchalantly, relaxing myself. There was no need to feel over whelmed with this, she would come, check the house, then leave. Thats it. Simple. She's been doing it for years now,

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