20; family convention ?

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When they saw the car, I tapped Ponyboy and he nodded. He crawled over to the side and he struggled to get the door open, but he managed. He was shaking like crazy and his pupils were so big that I thought that they would just fill his whole eye. But I was worse, I knew I was. I basically was having a full fledged panic attack. I stepped out of the car and so did he. I leaned on the car for support and the dizzy feeling came back.

I slowly walked with Ponyboy until we got to the gate, we both looked at each other before finally looking up. My eyes first locked with Darry's, then to Soda, who was clutching Steve for dear life, Two-Bit was crying next to Dally, who stood there, wide mouth and eyes bloodshot; Dally crying? Really? Oh god. I felt tired, too tired for my liking and I just wanted to sleep. All I wanted, was to slip into a dark, endless abis of sleep. But Ponyboy opened the gate without speaking, or smiling, just. . . numbly almost. I followed behind him, cautiously. My throat was tight, I felt as if I couldn't breathe. I didn't want to speak, I couldn't, not if everything I say is just gonna be ignored. They're only here for him. That's it. I reminded myself and agreed, I wouldn't speak, ever again.

We walked up the steps and stood by the cop, he then explained how he found us, and how we stayed with him for the short while.

"Where were they?" Soda whispered, and looked at me with concern. What was there to worry about, we're both completely fine.

"Near chicago, on the borderline at least. They were heading to New jersey it seemed." He laughed but there was no humor in the air, he noticed and stepped aside.

"Well, I will be telling the stations to call off the alert now that they are home." Darry swallowed and nodded. The cop tipped his hat and walked back to the car to get our bags. That's when we were both crushed with hugs from the gang, Two and Dally hugged me and The siblings hugged eachother, I think even Steve. I couldn't hug them back though, my arms and legs felt like jelly. They didn't notice though and just embraced me. Steve ran to get the bags and thank the cop again, and I watched. Ponyboy looked flustered and looked real uncomfortable in the situation, he hadn't hugged his brothers back either. They let us go and led the both of us into the house, I sat down on the couch and Ponyboy sat next to me as well. We got comfortable and he leaned his head on my shoulder, he crossed his legs and wrapped his arms around his body, and shivered. I threw my arm over him and closed my eyes. I heard some murmurs before I was out.

°Third Person°

Johnny and Ponyboy were on the couch, snoring as everyone piled back into the house. Everyone had felt like the big weight on their shoulders had been lifted tremendously, Darry and Soda sighed as they looked at their youngest brother.

"Is it just me, or do they look like absolute shit and I mean, shit." Two muttered and nudged Dally. Who had been staring intently out the window, he looked to the kids sleeping and shrugged, but then he turned again, and really looked at them, he felt sick. Both of their skin were a pale blue and almost green like, there were scabs on their faces like they had been picked at. Their eyes were sunken in and their bodies were so small and frail, their breathing was ragged, even in deep slumber. They looked as if they were on a constant battle with something.

"Glory, look at 'em." Steve muttered, staring at the kids. Darry took a closer look and saw what they were seeing. He cringed at the sight, there bodies were just bones and their hair was like strings, lips were chapped and writhered, they looked. . . dead.

"What the hell happened to them, Darrell?" Soda started to cry, and look between him and the kids.

"We'll find out when they wake." Darry mumbled, trying not to start blubbering. He couldn't he was the support system. The strong one, he couldn't cry in front of them.

Verrrry short. I know. But next chapter, which I will be starting up tonight, will be longer. It'll be one hell of a ride. So brace yourselves

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