Chapter 15 ~ The Big Battle

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After getting my parents weapons we went out of the institute. Seeing all the demons, and the King of hell makes you want to take a step back and run inside. Looking at my brother and seeing them both looking at me, I know what to do. I nod my head at my brothers and look to Magnus, then to the King of hell. He is the only demon that actually look human. He raises a hand and all the demons come running at us, the battle starting.

Taking out both of my parents weapons, I run towards the demons that run towards us. With the others joining me, we fight off as many demons as we can. We fight with our backs to each other, like a circle. Staying together, like family. Not once do we stop fighting, and not once do they stop coming.

As more demons start coming, I have a hard time fighting them off. Pulling away from the group, I disappear and reappear somewhere else in the crowd and kill from there. I disappear and reappear again and again and again, killing more and more and more. Not for a second can I stop.

I disappear again, reappearing a few steps away from the institute doors. Killing the demons that were at both my sides at the same time, I kneel down. When the institute doors fly open I jump up and look towards the now open doors. I forget all about the crowd of demons behind me, freezing, seeing who is standing by the doors.

I watch as he stares into my eyes. The brown in his eyes, turn to a blood red. My eyes widen. It's not him, it's not him. I take a step back, he takes a step forward. Then he jumps, 20 feet in the air and lands behind me. I flip around to see him. He stabs a demon that was going to attack me, killing it then turning to look at me. The red doesn't go away from his eyes. "Raf." I say softly.

"Please don't. Don't make me hurt you." I tell him and I watch as his wickedly adorable smile comes over his lips. "I'm not the one going to get hurt, love." He says in his voice, but it doesn't sound like him.... "Come back to me Raf." I say, my voice breaking. "I can't lose you too..." I say, trying to be strong. I close my eyes, and I hear him take a step closer to me.

I open them and take a big step back, away from him. He takes another, and I take another back. He keeps going and I keep going until I'm backed into the now closed institute doors. He comes in front of me and leans over me, trapping me in between his arms. I suck in a breath as he leans closer to my ear. "You never had me." He says in a dark voice, and I disappear and reappear behind him and I see him stab his dagger into the door instead of me.

He grows angry and leaves it in the door, turning to look at me. The red in his eyes grow darker. He swings a sword at me and I disappear again then reappear 10 feet away. He gets more angry. "Don't be a girl and run away from this. Don't be your mom." He says, his voice dripping with anger. That gets me angry. And I take out my father's sword.

"Don't talk about my mother in that way you, demon." My voice drips with no ends of anger and I run to him. My eyes glowing gold, I jump 20 feet in the air and when I get back close to the ground, I spin and my foot connects with his face. I land on the ground and kneel looking up. He lands on his back and it takes me a few seconds before I get up.

I get up at the same time he does. I just kicked the love of my life in the face... No, it's not him. It's not him. "Stop Raf. I don't want to hurt you. But I will if I have to." I tell him, holding up my daggers, my eyes still glowing a hot gold. They light like fire. He smirks at me and jumps at me again. I disappear and reappear a few feet away from him again. "Raf. This is your last cause. I love you. Snap the hell out of it!" I say, my voice going louder at the end. I feel my eyes burn brighter.

"Shut the hell up and fight!" He yells, his voice going darker, same with his eyes. Seeing no way out of this, I let him jump at me, our swords clashing together. He leans his face over the swords that make an X. "You're just as weak as your mother was." He whispers to me before pushing me away. I take a few steps back, my eyes burning more gold by the second. "I'll proudly be my mother's kid. But that's where you're wrong." I start, my eyes roaring with gold.

"But I'm also my father's kid. And they were not once weak." I finish and I run at him. I swipe one way, then the other, then the other again. I kick his sword out of his hands and into the crowd of demons. His eyes glow with anger. He takes out his second and last dagger.

Being in love with someone, you pick up on how they fight, act, talk. You start to pick up on things. I picked up on how he would always only have one sword and two daggers. Throwing my sword behind me, I throw it right into a demon that was coming up the steps. I hit it where it's heart would be, and it goes into dust. I take out my mother's daggers now. "Are you ready to give up? You're not going to beat me." I say and he runs for me. I disappear and reappear by the doors again. He spins and looks at me again.

Easily, I disarm him with his last dagger and knock him to the ground. Holding both his hands above his head I hold a dagger to his throat, my legs on both side of his waist to hold him in his spot. He stops moving and I just look at him. It's not until I hear multiple portals open that I look up. Many people, dressed in black, jump out of all the portals and the crowd of demons starts to fall quicker. I watch as some run and the King of hell makes his own portal.

He yells something and demons start running into the portal he made. I start to loosen my grip and the King of Hell looks straight at me. He smirks at me and at first I'm confused. Then I hear the spitting of skin, and I feel a pain in my side. I gasp slightly and look down at my side. I fall off him and hold onto my side, all the bright gold leaving my eyes. I look over to him and I see him blinking the red from his eyes.

I watch as he quickly moves to hold me. "No. Summer, no. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I didn't mean anything I said. I... Wasn't in control. Please don't leave me. I love you..." He says, his voice breaking at the end and I reach up to touch his cheek, a tear rolling down his cheek.

I wipe it away and he closes his eyes. "Summer!" I hear all of them yell but I don't look away from Raf. "I love you Rafeal. I don't blame you for this." I say softly my eyes growing heavy. Closing my eyes, I put my head to the side, starting to fall asleep. "Nooo!! Don't leave me! I'm not gonna let you die because of me!" He yells and I hear the tears in his voice as I fall asleep.


(You're welcome Emily!)

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