Chapter 10

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When I woke up I found myself laying down in my bed, alone. It was dark and I could barely see in front of my face. "Raf?" I say into the darkness and no reply. I look around and when the door opens I flinch away but relax when I see it's Rafeal. "Where'd you go?" I ask going to get up but he stops me but putting up one hand. "I got you breakfast. Figure after all that crying you would want something to eat. Got your favorite." He says as he hands me my favorite breakfast.

"You didn't have to do this... But thank you." I tell him and lean into kiss him. "No need to thank me, eat." He says as he sits down on my bed next to me and I smile. I start to eat and when I look up at Raf I see him watching me with a smile. "What?" I ask him. He leans closer and wipes something off my face with a napkin and his smile grows as I begin to blush.


It was the middle of the day and no one was doing anything so I told everyone to go to the library for a quick meeting. "Who wants to go to lunch? We can walk through the park." I ask looking at everyone and I see Rafeal look at Matthew. "Where you guys going to do something?" I ask looking at both of them.

"We were going to start our training to become parabatai... But I think I walk through the park would be good for everyone." Rafeal says looking around the room at everyone and I can't help but nod. "Well then to Takis we go." I say standing up and everyone else stands up as well.


Me and Matthew were going to start training to become parabatai but then dad called a meeting in the library, and now... as we walk through the park I begin to get tired so I close my eyes as I walk and listen to what Summer is saying. Then my ears fill with crashing, hissing, and screams. I open them as I see my family and friends fighting. Demons. Oh... My... God...

"Raf!" I hear Summer yell as an arrow goes by my head. I turn and see the arrow stick into a demon and turn to ash. I reach for my sword as another demon starts to come at me but I don't feel it. Shit... "Rafeal!" I hear someone behind me yell. I turn as I see Matthew throw his sword at me and I catch it in midair. I turn back to the demon as it jumps at me. I use Matthew's sword to kill it before it can kill me. I turn and see it.

I watch my dad as he sends arrow after arrow after arrow into other demons and I wonder how many wars he has been in. Then I see it... A demon slowly walking up behind him. "Dad watch out!" I yell starting to run to him. Not him... Please not him too. "Alexander!" Papa, Magnus, yells the demon lifts my dad off his feet with... Magic? "What the hell!?" I yell as, out of the corner of my eye, I see Matthew in a sprint towards me.

Then he jumps and lands behind me and I see why he was sprinting to me... A demon was jumping at me... I look back to my dad as I see the demon throw dad up in the air and he lands hard on the ground. I jump for the demon but is knocked away by... "What the fuck!" I yell as there is a barrier around my dad and the demon, keeping us out. "Dad!" I yell and he looks up at me. "Rafeal!" I hear Matthew yell and look behind me and I'm pushed into the wall of the barrier by another demon. I look for the sword Matthew gave me and reach for it... I can't reach it.

Damn it... I look back at the demon as it goes to bite me. Both Matthew and Summer are in a sprint to get to me. Then she flips over the demon in front of me and stab it through the back with her whip staff. I turns to ash and she reaches down to pull me up. I let her as Matthew gives me the sword again. Back to the battle...

I look around as I see a demon getting ready to jump at Papa, who was working on the barrier with dad and the demon. I sprint over to him and kill the demon before it gets the chance to kill Papa. "I got you Papa, work on the barrier!" I tell him and he nods as he continues. Shit... This is bad. How do they keep coming?!


What the hell kind of demon is that!? The barrier crashes down as the demon tries to bite Alexander. But when the barrier crashed down the demon turned to look at me. Then I saw it... "Asmodeus..." I saw as he turns to look at me. "Is that really a great way to say hello to your father Magnus?" He says turning into the less ugly version of himself and taking a few steps away from Alexander and closer to me. I signal for Rafeal to go get him as I keep my father distracted.

"How can you do Magic?" I ask him as Rafeal slowly fights his way to Alexander and not getting Asmodeus' attention. "I have my ways to become powerful Magnus." He says holding up his hand and black fire starts to come from his fingers. "What do you want then?" I ask holding my hands behind my back with the magic at the tips of my fingers. "You." He hisses out and shoots a fire ball at me. I block it and it goes right back at him. He smiles evilly. I sent one of my own at him, then another.

"You're just mad I hurt your lover." He says from his spot on the ground where he's kneeling and I grow more anger. "Magie noire." He tells me and my eyes widen. "You didn't.." I say in disbelief putting my hands to my sides and letting the fire die out. "I did. And that's the only thing that will work to keep your lover back. It does come with things he won't want. You won't want." He tells me and I take a step back. "Why are you doing this Amodeus?" I ask him and he throws his head back and laughs.

"I told you... I want you." He says and throws a ball of magic at me. I just stand there and wait for it. Then a red ball of fire goes at it and they both go out. Another red ball of magic goes at Amodeus and it hits him. "A shadowhunter with warlock powers..." He starts looking at Matthew and taking a step closer.

I step in between. "I'll be back for that kid... You have 24 hours to save your lover, who he'll die and you'll lose him." He says spinning and laughing. Before I can even do anything he disappears and I turn to look around and see all the demons vanish. We look at each other then I hear him name. "Papa... He's barely breathing.


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