Chapter twenty-four - As one door closes

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Jessica packed the last of her things. It felt like only yesterday that she'd first stepped into her tiny bedroom on the top floor of Exley Hall, eager to walk in Elizabeth Bennet's shoes. Although the week had started out well, her story with Mr. Darcy hadn't given her the happy ending she'd hoped for.

She left her room just as Gareth's door opened across the corridor; a situation that recalled their first meeting under similar circumstances. His metal rimmed glasses and chunky knit jumper were gone, replaced with a clinging black t-shirt and dark jeans. Dressed like that, no one would ever mistake him for an accountant. Perhaps if Gareth had worn that t-shirt on their first meeting she might have paid more attention to him.

But, then again, maybe not. Her head had been full of Mr. Darcy before she'd even left home.

He offered to carry her canvas bag downstairs. Jess gave it up without argument. Gareth hadn't volunteered because it was hers. He would have done the same for anyone. Their arrival in the car park terminated with an awkward silence. Then she remembered Sebastian and searched for his white Alfa.

"You don't have to worry about running into him. He's already gone," Gareth said as he returned her duffel.

"Good. I didn't fancy seeing his smirking face again."

"Sebastian didn't seem all that happy when I saw him. Probably wondering how to pay the money he owes for losing that bet." He nudged one of the stones on the ground with his foot. "I'm sorry you've had such a lousy week."

"The whole week wasn't so bad. Exley Hall is still one of the most beautiful places I've ever worked in and I've met some very nice people."

"Me too." Gareth looked across the half-empty car park, as though searching the shrubbery for inspiration. Birds sang in the nearby trees and a distant bleating came from somewhere across the park. "Do you have any work lined up after this?"

"A few auditions but nothing firm at the moment." Jessica waited, wondering whether he was plucking up the courage to say something else, but again he lapsed into silence. "Well, I really should speak to Laura before I leave." She held out her hand for a friendly handshake. "Goodbye, Gareth, and thank you for..." For trying to protect her from Sebastian? For falling in love with her? For making her realise she'd been a prejudiced idiot? "...for all your help."

He stared at her outstretched hand before taking it in his. Instead of the expected handshake, he used his grip to pull her closer as he brushed his lips against her cheek. "Look after yourself," he whispered before letting her go.

Then he turned and walked away.

She crossed the car park to the spot where Laura and Ruth had formed a mute audience to their self-conscious performance. They all watched in silence as Gareth slung his bag into the boot of his car. He climbed into the driver's seat, threw them a final wave, slammed his door and sent the gravel flying as he disappeared down the Hall's long, formal driveway.

Laura and Ruth turned in unison to Jess, their eyes bright with curiosity. "Well?"

"Well what?"

"What did he say? Are you going to meet up with him?"

"He didn't ask."

"But he has your number, right?" Ruth looked hopeful. Jess shook her head.

An unladylike growl came from Laura. "Gareth made a fantastic Bingley, but this is taking the characterisation too far. I was almost certain he would ask you out but, considering everything that has happened this week, you can hardly blame him for being cautious. After all, few people have the heart to love without encouragement."

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