Chapter twenty-two - A short intermission

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Jessica managed to make her way downstairs without seeing anything of Sebastian. Laura and Ruth stayed close by in the dressing room, and once Mrs Green heard the whole story she eagerly embraced her third role; that of a protective mother hen.

As the cast assembled for the final day of performance they'd separated into subtle groups. On one side, standing with Elizabeth, was Mr. Gardener, Mr. Flint, Jane and Bingley, Caroline and Lady Catherine.

Alone on the other side of the room, Sebastian seemed a little worse for wear. Dark smudges shadowed his eyes, even after make-up had worked on him. His costume was as immaculate as ever, but he kept running his fingers through his hair, turning the dark curls into something that looked much wilder than usual.

Only three members of their group remained aloof from the off-stage drama. Alison, contrary to her role as caring Aunt Gardiner, insisted it was none of her business what people chose to do with their down time. Emily, who remained entirely unrepentant over her part in the events, crossed her arms over her chest, angry that Sebastian was pretending she didn't exist.

Mandy kept looking at her watch, as though counting down the hours until her stressful job was finally complete and she could go home.

Jess calmed as the first scene began, sinking herself into Miss Bennet as she might relax into a warm bubble bath. Yet she couldn't entirely separate Elizabeth's world from hers, particularly when her character had concerns of her own.

"If it were merely a fine house richly furnished I should not care about it myself," Mrs Gardener repeated for the benefit of their new audience, "but the grounds are delightful. They have some of the finest woods in the country."

Elizabeth moved to the side of the room, signalling a period of introspection. "What if I should meet Mr. Darcy?" she asked herself in an exaggerated whisper. "It would be dreadful!"

So far, the morning had not been as bad as she'd feared. Only once had Sebastian attempted to speak to Jess, but her companions had blocked his way. She wished he'd leave her alone, but he seemed determined to talk to her, and she wasn't looking forward to the experience.

Emily made her entrance onto the stage in her guise as the chambermaid, clearing the table. As much as Jess would rather not have spent any time with the young woman, she was professional enough to rise above her personal enmity. She was almost grateful to her for helping to reveal Sebastian's true colours, otherwise Jess dare not imagine how the week might have ended. "I have heard that Pemberley is a fine house. Do you know anything of the family who lives there?"

"It's a grand house, ma'am," she replied in an accented voice, "owned by the Darcys."

"Is the family here for the summer?"

"Oh no, ma'am." The maid curtsied then left, her part in the scene complete.

Elizabeth Bennet turned to her aunt and uncle, her smile bright. "In that case, perhaps we can visit Pemberley after all."

They accepted the applause of the audience before withdrawing into the sanctuary of the backstage corridor. She then moved to wait outside the next room, where Elizabeth would meet Darcy for the first time. Although he was supposed to enter from a separate door, Sebastian had to walk by her in order to reach it. Jess saw him coming and turned away, pretending to inspect a still life of three pears on a dish. As Sebastian passed he reached out, grabbing her arm. "You know you have to speak to me at some point, Jess. We still need to work together."

She yanked herself from his grip, but otherwise remained calm. "I will talk to you whenever the script requires it."

Laura pushed herself into the space between them, turning her back on Sebastian. "Are you ready for the next scene, Jess?"

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