2. L

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The Second Chapter of this story. I hope you enjoy.

I felt my neck being touched by someone, before immediately feeling a large shock. My body jerked crazily before I woke up, breathing heavily. And apparently it was Olivia with a mobile defibrillator around her waist.

I hold the back of my head, feeling a bandage on it. 'What happened to me?'

'I just found you on the floor bleeding.' She gets something out of her pockets and gave me the camcorder, which was still in good condition and had that thing recorded.

'How long was I out?' I stood up dusting myself off and checking my gun if it still has more ammunition.

'15 minutes I guess. I just returned from capturing the culprit that nearly shot you.'

Looks around for where he is. 'And where is that prick?'

She pointed at the potted plant next to the doorway. 'The culprit turned into a flower. Or at least, I think that is one.'

'Nothing in this town is what it is used to.' I approached the plant.

'There was peace and harmony. Now, it's slowly dying from its curse and the residents have turned into...well...whatever these things are now.'

She nodded. 'I know it is confidential, but I did view what was inside the camcorder.'

I gazed at her, incredibly pissed off. But I sighed and shrugged it off. 'Well, at least you know what we are getting into now.'

'So there are more of them near some houses?' She asked, looking outside the window.

'It depends. We have to keep searching for more proof. A nest of god knows what, is not enough to prove anything here. We need more.' I broke the potted plant, as its roots begin to rapidly grow and entangled on my shoes.

'Pathetic.' I shot the roots off and it stopped growing. It decayed quite fast before turning into ashes.

That's when a loud roar was heard, as if it was triggered by something. Or someone rather, seeing a figure emerging from the left wearing priest robes, to which I immediately recognized: Father Cane Kőnig, my foster parent.

I head outside, going up to him. But as I was about to say something to him, he passed right through me, as if he was some spirit.

I looked behind me to see another figure that had a mask on their face, the shape of the devil's cartoony face.

They were having a conversation about the town being cursed, before they part ways. However that conversation activated something in my head: A theory to how the curse really works:

When an original resident of the town, followed by their descendants dies during their youth or near the day of their reckoning, the townsfolk are all affected similarly to something either far worse or better yet the same fate.

Though I do not have enough evidence to support it, I have very high hopes for it.

Olivia approached me from behind and poked my shoulder. 'Are you okay, Don?'

I nodded and showed her a devilish grin. 'Let's check the next houses.' I cocked my gun and we head to one that had a large Baphomet symbol on top of the roof. The French styled mansion is a bit broken down, but I spotted something glowing blue in one of the windows.

I turned my gaze to her. 'Can you parkour your way up?'

She nodded. 'I used to climb trees and sometimes roofs of peoples' houses when I was a teen.'

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2017 ⏰

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