1. E

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The First Chapter of this story. I hope you enjoy.

'Donny!' The pilot said as she kept shaking me, to the point of waking up.

And I did, to which my response was pushing her away from me and drawing my gun at her. To which I lowered it immediately because I thought it was a supernatural entity.

'Where are we, mate?' I asked while looking at the crashed helicopter.

'Aeston. But apparently we crash landed near the town itself, so lucky us I guess.' She said as she drew her Glock 17 out, turning the safety off. 'The chopper begins stalling out as we entered its region, which is quite bizarre don't you think?'

'Idiot, it's the curse of Aeston. What do you expect from it?'

Her eyes widened quickly as she falls to her knees. 'A CURSED TOWN?!'

She backs away, hitting a tree behind her and shivering from fear, as if she saw one of the most terrifying monsters she has ever seen, or her worst nightmare coming to life.

I sighed as I facepalmed and holstered my gun. 'What did the company only told you...'

'They only said there will be cash but all the details are classified!' She is gritting her teeth, still having her gun next to her face preparing to fire at anything that moves.

'This company specializes in eliminating hostile supernatural entities in one village, town or better yet, a country. So unless if you help, I'm cleansing this town on my own.' I begin walking away from her to which she quickly catches up and follows.

I can see her fear in her eyes, to which I don't want to lie but I used to be like her. As a kid losing your parents years ago, I've never gain much popularity ever since. But I always had an ability some people have: To see supernatural entities. Not just ghosts, but devils in disguises.

This one incident was the one sole reason to why I want those entities perish. During the time were my parents are alive, which was also my 7th birthday, I saw some of my guests as devils in disguise. I do not consider my vision of seeing past disguises as a third eye since it only occurs to those who see ghosts only. But since I see both I do not know if I could consider it. Anyway during my birthday, I noticed one of the guests was going to my mother before immediately biting her neck. I grabbed the nearby cross and impaled it at her eye. Blood may have been spilled at my face and on the floor, but I repeatedly kept stabbing her with it until I feel her head turn into mush. My father on the other hand just dropped dead on the floor with no visible wounds whatsoever, except from the mark of Baphomet on his neck. As my guests begin fleeing, the disguised ones suddenly vanished. Even though there were running crowds, I can still recognize what they look like.

But enough about myself, time to continue on to where we are.

Half a mile away from the chopper crashing, I found myself with Ms. Scaredy pants here, still having her eyes drenched with fear on what I should have not told on the classified information. Well that's then, here's now. She shot at least almost all of her magazine at the rustling bushes and she had to reload at least once a while. Until she ran out of bullets, I offered a piggyback ride. And yes, she got on to my back immediately as I said so.

An hour of a long walk with no stops on taking a break, we've arrived at Aeston, to which unfortunately for the town, is already broken. Shards of broken window glass everywhere, skeletal remains on the streets and some on trees, and of course the Baphomet almost completed symbols on the walls of some buildings.

We were standing at Crochvin street, which says so on my wristband radar and as I tried to set her down, her grip tightened.

'Let go of me already. You know you have a gun.' I sat down on the ground.

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