Chapter 36

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             I felt like a princess in a tower waiting to be saved. I couldn't escape, and I couldn't get them to let me leave. Oliver was sort of my protector around these people. Luciano was a sorta-kinda 'friend' and Ion was the annoying one. Ion always played pranks on me, either that or being an ass. Wolfgang and I had a special connection though, we hung out a lot, though he still talked in small amounts. Today I was outside in the woods with Wolfgang and Luciano. Oliver didn't trust them, but I went anyways. We climbed a tree and Wolfgang easily walked around on the branch we sat on, I could barely sit on it at that. "How do you do that?" I asked. He held a gloved hand out and I took it. He helped me gain my balance and then let go of my hand. He stood on one foot and held his black cape out like wings, his hood casting a shadow on his face, it made me think of him as badass batman. I saw him smiling slightly and I smiled back, standing on one foot also and holding my arms out. Luciano watched us with interest. I lost my balance and flapped my arms frantically. Wolfgang grabbed my arm and let himself fall back to an angle that if he were to let go of my arm he would fall. He kept in that position, keeping his body straight and only the heels of his gothic buckle up boots touching the branch. He pulled me back straight doing so, and I helped him back on the branch. Be pulled his cape around him so nothing showed except part of his boots and his face from under his hood. Oliver ran under the tree, "Come on down! Dinner is ready!" He called. Wolfgang leapt off the branch, holding his cape out and letting it catch the wind to slow down his plunge. He hit the ground and rolled forward, standing up like he didn't just jump off a branch that was two stories up. Luciano jumped and swung from branch to branch like a monkey, jumping off the final branch onto the ground. You wanna play the show off game? Let's play. My mind said in a 'lets do this shit' way. I dived off the branch and let myself fall for a second before catching a branch and swinging to the trunk of the tree, pushing off it with my foot and landing on my feet on the ground. I smirked at Oliver's amazed expression. We followed Oliver back and the others were already eating. I sat between Luciano and Wolfgang and started eating my spaghetti. Matt threw a breadstick Allen and Allen fell backwards out of his chair, the whole table burst into laughter. "Act like gentleman!" Oliver snapped at the two. Matt snickered while Allen glared at him.

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