Chapter 34

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       Russia was getting better, he no longer had a fever and was gaining his strength back. I told no one of anything that happened. It was by far one of the biggest mistakes I'd ever made. The 2ps had attacked suddenly, with their insanity and strength mixed with the element of surprise we were no match, we all fell quickly. I'd heard Ion and some of the others talking about having some 'fun' with Lisa and I. I was pulled to my feet by Ion from where I was lying on the floor, pieces of shattered glass crunched under our feet. "You get to come back with us." Oliver laughed, doing his hand clapping thing again. I began to object but Allen interrupted, "Your lucky we aren't killing you. Oliver here liked having you around so much that he insisted you stay." I was curious, I didn't want to go with these insane people! "I want to stay here." I said firmly. "Well see, that's not your decision sweetheart." Allen laughed. "Come on now! Let's get out of here before the others wake up!" Oliver said, skipping out. Ion tugged me along after them. I looked over at Wolfgang and he glared back. I let out a sigh and looked to the other side. Kaspar was carrying Luciano on his back, and Luciano was waving his knife in the air and laughing. Flavio had his hand out in a 'so fabulous' way and was walking like a fashion model beside Oliver, they were both chatting and giggling like two high school girls. 2p!Canada, Matt, walked alongside Allen, they were laughing over something, Matt smoking a cigarette. I wiggled out of Ion's grip and went over to Oliver and Flavio. "See? She just loves being around me." Oliver giggled to Flavio. "Now, did you need anything?" Oliver asked, grinning. "Yah, uh, How long do I have to stay with you guys." I said. "Oh, hum, Well, right now at least for a while because your just a darling!" Oliver replied. Great.... I thought, annoyed. There was a loud screech and I turned to see Luciano pinning Italy down. I ran over and Kaspar had already pulled Luciano off. I helped the terrified Italy up. "I was coming to rescue you and then he tackled me and bit me!" Italy cried, holding up his sleeve and showing a bleeding bite mark. I shot a glare at Luciano and used my own sleeve to wipe the blood off his wound. "Kiss it to make it better?" Italy sniffled. I smiled and kissed the mark softly. "Grazie, ti amo! Ti amo Ti amo Ti amo!" Italy said happily, hugging me. Luciano ran at Italy and Italy screamed, running back inside the half destroyed mansion. Oliver took my wrist, "Hurry up!" He said, pulling me to Flavio.

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