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"why do i feel like i want to throw up?" vik said as he threw himself on his unmade bed. on the other line was josh, who had by now gotten all of the information about what had happened.

vik curled up into a ball and pulled the famillar blue sheets over him. the room was cold even though it was mid spring, but vik didn't mind. just like he didn't mind being home alone.

vik has been by himself for two months now, and he has no idea when his mother will be back. but by now he's learned to take care of himself, considering the fact that he only sees his own mother five or six times a year.

he's never met his father. he left whilst his mom was pregnant with vik. but that was fine with vik. yes, he was curious at first about who his father was, but after such a long time you start to lose that curiosity.

"josh, when i see him it's like a fire ignites inside of me." vik said, snapping out of his previous thoughts.

"so, you hate him?" josh questioned, not really sure of what vik meant.

"i don't know." vik sighed. "he makes me feel all bubbly but he's also such an asshole."

"i agree." josh stated. "do you know if he remembers the party?"

vik shook his head but soon realized josh couldn't see him.

"no, not yet." he sighed moments after realization.

their call was interrupted by someone knocking on vik's front door. he didn't expect his parents to answer it, since they weren't home, so he hung up and made his way downstairs.

he opened the door, revealing a sweaty harry who was stood with hands on his knees trying to catch his breath.

after just a few seconds of standing awkwardly in front of each other, vik decided to shut the door. but harry caught it relatively fast, causing the door open again due to vik's lack of strength.

"please listen to me." harry said in between heavy breaths. vik rolled his eyes at him, pretending not to care.

"why should i?" vik replied nonchalantly.

"because i want you to listen." harry said softly. "please." he continued as he looked up at vik.

vik couldn't help his heart beating five hundred times per second. harry's blue eyes had already sunk into his soul, making it melt into a soggy mess. he wanted to resist, but when he studied his face for probably the fiftieth time this week, he just couldn't withstand it.

"fine." he finally said, letting the blonde haired boy in.

the boy immediately took a seat in one of the chairs in vik's living room and took a few seconds to even out his unsteady breath. vik got himself and harry two glasses of water and sat down in the worn out sofa in front of harry.

"so, what did you want to talk about?" vik asked as he shifted awkwardly in his seat. harry exhaled deeply before speaking.

"i remember." he said, making vik almost choke on the clear liquid he was drinking. "i know you think i don't, but i do." he continued.

vik was confused, to say the least. someone that had consumed such a large amount of alcohol wouldn't have any memory of the night before, would they?

"oh, okay" vik didn't know how to respond to harry, he was simply speechless.

"vik, i'm sorry i did." he apologized. "i'm sorry if it felt forced or if you didn't like it."

vik blushed. he did in fact like it. a lot. but he didn't know how to express that.

"did you like it?" harry asked softly, staring into vik's brown eyes.

vik didn't say anything, instead he just nodded slowly in response whilst avoiding eye contact.

suddenly, harry moved closer to vik. he sat down beside him on the sofa and rested head on his elbow as he smiled at vik.

"i'm.. uh, sorry. i mean i don't know if you even did like it and i'm unsure about my se-" vik was cut off by harry crashing his lips into vik's own.

vik felt weak just by harry's touch. it was like the first time they kissed, except more passionate and fiery.

harry broke the kiss and rested his forehead against vik's.

"you talk too much." he chuckled.

god damn you harry lewis for making me feel such things. i really do hate you.

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