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vik stood at the entrance of the ginormous lunch hall, clueless of where to go. he watched as students talked and laughed at their tables as he stood there all alone. he could feel his anxiety creeping up on him slowly and he started chewing on his nails for some sort of non-existent comfort.

just as he was about to leave he felt a hand on his shoulder, making him jump a little from the unexpected touch. vik turned around to face josh, who was smiling softly at the smaller boy.

"sorry for keeping you waiting," he started as he lead vik towards one of the tables where three other people sat.

"the teacher didn't let us go, since we had a test" josh sat down besides a dark coloured boy with a black snapback on and motioned to vik to sit down in the seat facing josh.

when vik had sat down, josh started introducing everyone. he began introducing the boy with the snapback who sat to the left of josh. vik now knew him as tobi. josh and tobi had apparently been friends since first grade.

he then introduced the boy who sat at one of the ends of the table. he was tall and dressed in all black. the boy had brown curls and a pair of eyes that matched the shade of his hair. his name was dan.

after that, he introduced the boy who was sitting beside vik. he had ginger hair and a big smile that almost curved all the way up to his freckled cheeks. his name was ethan.

the boys seemed to get along well as conversations flowed on smoothly between them.

although, vik got distracted by a group of people walking into the cafeteria, noticing one of the guys being the blond he saw earlier in class.

they walked towards a table and the people who was seated there took off as fast as lightning strikes. vik tilted his head in confusion as to why anyone would be afraid of them, they just looked like normal teenagers to him.

"they're in 12th grade," josh said, now looking over at the boys across the room. "except for simon," he paused, fiddling with his hands. "he's just with them because he's known jj for basically his entire life"

"who's who?" vik asked, resting his elbow on the table as his hand supported his head.

"well, simon is the blond one" josh said, staring at the boy who he was referring to. "jj is the one he's talking to" he continued.

jj wasn't tall, yet he still looked like he could fight anyone who would come in his way.

"and then there's harry, but he doesn't seem to be here right-" he stopped mid-sentence as a boy with curly hair walked up to simon and jj.

"speak of the devil." josh giggled.

vik studied the boy; he had a pair of bright blue eyes and a smile so adorable it could make anyone melt. he was dressed in a white t-shirt, a pair of deep blue jeans and some adidas superstars. his hair was a mess of blond curls and vik could not get enough.

he was beautiful.

harry turned around and met vik's gaze before he could quickly turn away, slightly embarrassed of being caught staring.

why was he feeling like this?

'it's a boy vik, snap out of it.' he thought as he followed his newly made friends out of the cafeteria.

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