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vik groaned in pain as someone slammed him into the one of the blue lockers of the corridor. it had happened so suddenly; one second he had been walking in the crowded halls and the other he was pressed up against the cold metal of the locker.

vik looked as josh disappeared in the crowds and he was left alone once again. it wasn't a surprise that this would happen, it was a big school with a lot of students after all. vik had just been in the way of the people who had just finished class and was on their way out.

'just my luck' he thought and sighed as he sat down on the ground waiting for the amount of students in the corridor decrease.

when he was about to get up, a tall figure appeared in front of him. vik shifted his gaze from the floor to the face of the person who was stood in front of him. he met the blue eyes of a certain boy with curly blond hair who was wearing a soft smile on his rose tinted lips.

"need some help?" the boy asked, reaching his pale hand out for vik to take ahold of.

vik simply nodded and let the boy help him up. he awkwardly shifted his gaze to the floor where he just had been sat and felt an urge to take a step back, since the two of them stood very close to each other. but with his back pushed up against the lockers, it was merely impossible.

"i'm harry," he said as he scratched the back of his neck. a wisp of hair fell down in front of his face as he scanned vik's body with his baby blue eyes. vik did the same and took the time to inspect the human in front of him.

vik was going to respond, but stopped himself as he heard the familiar voice of a certain brown haired boy who was running down the corridor.

"vik, i'm so sorry i didn't expec-" josh stopped mid-sentence, not because of harry, but because of who was exiting the cafeteria; simon minter. he looked as pale as if he had seen a ghost, but shook it off seconds later as he grabbed vik's wrist and ran away.

"what was that?" vik said, slightly out of breath.

"oh, uhm," josh said awkwardly, staring at the ground before meeting vik's eyes again. "i just saw someone i shouldn't of." he bit his lip anxiously.

"what, simon?" vik asked. "you were fine when you saw him in the cafeteria. why are you acting weird?" he continued, now sounding concerned for his friend.

"i wasn't fine," he snapped, causing vik to jump. "sorry, it's just complicated." he faked a smile that vik immediately saw through.

"tell me"

"okay" josh sighed. "i can't be around him. every time he walks past me in the corridor my stomach does flip on its own and i can't stop it. he makes my heartbeat go faster even though we never talk" he smiled, this time genuinely.

"sounds like you've got a crush mate" vik winked, giggling.

"i'm not gay" his face went expressionless and he shuffled awkwardly in his position, as if he was trying to escape.

"whatever you say. but be true to yourself, it's important." vik smiled softly.

and even though that was directed to josh, he told himself that as well.

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