➊. Focus on the future

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Focus on the future

~YOU/READER (7 Years old)~

"You stole again, didn't you (Name)." You remained silent as you slightly went back and forth on the wooden swing, gazing out over the barren waste land. Your 'caretaker' sighed and sat on the empty swing next to you. Lu looked after abandoned and abused children like yourself, she was quite old too, A kind hearted old lady... There were nine others she took care of as well, though you didn't exactly get along with them. Although Lu provided you shelter and food, you refused it most of the time and slept on the streets of the small town and stole your food. Lu sighed and followed your gaze along the bare horizon. "You know, even though everyone here tells you otherwise, that you're a pest and nothing good will come your way, I believe different. I believe you will save us all, from this hell, and lead us to salvation. I just know it, you'll do something great." You took in her words and you began to think. You had always wanted to do something great. Something that would have an impact on the world, but you never knew how. Not when you were stuck in the middle of nowhere, you couldn't leave if you wanted to. There's nothing outside of the town waiting for you but death. After a small moment of silence Lu broke it once again. "Here. It was your mother's before she died." She said softly holding a plain silver locket out to you. 

"I don't care if it's hers." You spat. Your parents had left you in this pathetic excuse for a town, why should you care about them? Understanding what you meant Lu said, 

"Your mother never abandoned you, she died protecting this town, mainly you." You looked up at her with a confused expression. 

"What about my father?" 

"I'm not well informed about him, but one thing is for sure, your mother hated him with a passion. Believe me when I say your mother loved you dearly." Tears brimmed the corners of your eyes but you bit your lip in an attempt to stop them falling. Giving in you accepted the locket from Lu and opened it. A small picture resided inside.

I believe you will save us all and lead us to salvation... Those words would haunt you forever.

BalladOfAWolf: Yes this is a romance fanfic but I' can't be bothered to list BOC's. 

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