08 | Not So Easy, Huh?

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Throughout the entire class I tried to think of ways to talk to Ashlynn, each one more nerve-wracking than the next.  In the end I didn’t get the chance to talk to her at all.  Whether she intentionally did this or not, I wasn’t sure, but after the bell rang she slipped out of the classroom so fast, I barely had time to blink and turn before she was halfway across the room. 

My failure to get a move on in this plan left me dejected as I moved through the line to receive my lunch.  It only made it worse that Elijah and Diana weren’t apart of this lunch.  I’d had lunch with Diana and Elijah every lunch since seventh grade.  So the fact that I was alone was more than a little unnerving. 

Kendall had disappeared, too, so I was truly alone.

I exited the line, tray in hands.  The food looked a lot better than my school’s food, so that was a plus.  But that didn’t change the fact that I had no idea where to sit.

“Hey!” a voice called as I passed by a group of tables.  “Isabel!”

I paused, eyebrows creasing as I turned around.  Falice waved, a bright smile on her face.  Two girls sat with her, friendly smiles of their own on their faces.  “Hey,” I said, taking a timid step forward.  Though I didn’t really know Falice all that well, she was a recognizable face.  And that was comforting.

“You want to sit?” Falice asked.  “We have some free spots.”

I smiled and took a free seat next to Falice, setting my tray down on the table.  “Thanks,” I said.  “I thought I was going to have to sit alone.”

Falice grinned.  “It’s no problem.  These are Caroline and Beth.”

She waved her hands over at her friends.  Caroline had long blond hair and blue eyes while Beth had short brunette hair and brown eyes.  They both seemed kind enough, and welcoming, too, which was comforting.  “Hi,” I said, giving them small smiles.

“Hey!” Beth replied, while Caroline gave me a nod.  “You’re new, right?”

I nodded.  “Yep.  Just started today.”

“How’s your day going so far?” Caroline asked before taking a bite of her pizza.

“Okay,” I said with a shrug.  “I’ve only had one period, but the teacher seems nice.”

“Oh, which class is it?” Falice asked, smiling at me as she pulled her cell phone out of her bag. 

“English,” I replied.  “I can’t remember the teacher’s name, though.  He seems nice enough.”

Falice nodded, giving me another smile before tapping her fingers on the keys.  Her smile seemed to transform as she texted, becoming more distant and more affectionate.  Whoever she was texting, they meant a lot to her.

“She’s not ignoring you,” Caroline assured me.

“Nope, just texting the boyfriend,” Beth teased, nudging Falice teasingly.  “Lunch is the only time they get to talk during the day.  And he’s not even supposed to be texting.  He’s in class right now.”

“The little rebel,” I drawled playfully, shaking my head.

Caroline, Beth, and Falice broken into fits of giggles as though sharing an inside joke.  I cocked an eyebrow and mentally shrugged before taking a bite of my own pizza.  It was tasty.  I’d have to talk to our kitchen ladies about this.  My cafeteria food expectations have now been raised.

“Yes, he is,” Falice mused, shaking her head.  “It’s only like eight-thirty where he lives, so this is the system we use.  I refuse to text during class, but obviously he’s willing.”

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