Chapter 2

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Serenna’s sling bag fell off as she took a sharp swerve along a huge rock lodged on the way. Lucky for her, she had managed to snatch out one of her knives before the hunt started.

Huff, huff, huff! Her breath rushed wild in her lungs, scarce because of running. Chasing after a grown stag was never easy. Horribly still, a stag enveloped with clandestine and magic.

Her feet performed lengthy strides, probably longer than a horse’s, to keep up with the beast that was swift like the wind. Lucas’ cracked barking reverberated from behind her. Strands of her hair partly obstructed her view as it swayed madly back and forth, matching her reckless pace.

 If only her strength would favor her. ‘Just this time, please,’ she whispered a silent prayer to whoever was bound to hear it, panting.

In every step the stag takes, the snow would solidify into glassy, frozen slates. Because of this, the ground became slippery. Dodging the tiles caused Serenna to slow down, making it hard for her to catch up.

Frosty specks dampened her face. Thousands of snowflakes were emerging from the stag’s icy fur. Showers of small, crusty little smithereens fleeted everywhere.  Serenna brushed the tiny shards of ice off her face.  Moisture crept into her cheeks, to her nose, almost everywhere till she felt numb. But she was not giving up.

Tree after tree greeted her in every distance she covered. With abrupt reflex, she avoided each of the tangling branches wedged on the way along every turn. True enough, she was exceptionally agile for a girl of her age.

Eventually, her wiry legs felt tired. The worse thing was she was not pulling closer to the stag.

The pursuit was taking longer than expected. Serenna did not know where her endurance was coming from. She was weary but not definitely surrendering like her body was resistant to exhaustion. The thought of a delicious, sweltering roasted meat for dinner was more than enough to keep her going. Also, the stag emitted an aura of majesty and power that kept her curiosity soaring.

Strange shrubs and large boulders gradually dawned upon her. The terrain became more unfamiliar. Lucas’ yelping from afar sounded no more than a whimper. She knew she had gone too far. Her mind wanted to sojourn yet her body was defying orders.

Suddenly, a random spasm of pain shot out from her side. She tripped and landed with her face into the glacial soil, plowing a heap of fluffy snow as her body grinded into the ground. The long run came to a sudden halt. Serenna grimaced and let out a loud groan while clutching her left rib.

 To her surprise, the stag stopped on its track, turned and stared at her. It nudged it majestic antlers into the air – as if to provide direction to Serenna. ‘Follow me’ were the words that reflected from the stag’s emphatic face.

Temptation glinted from its eyes. The two dark, round marbles drilled the question into her mind: ‘What do you want?’ Of course, she received no answer.

Her vision was getting hazy. She blinked repeatedly in a weak way, hoping to regain her senses. Though the gradual blur still invaded her sight, not even that or a seemingly broken rib would stop her. With a decent amount of effort, she managed to get on her feet. Lumps of snow chipped away as she scraped them off.

She staggered towards the stag with her arms swaying in an aimless manner, her walk sloppy because of her veering steps. Meanwhile, the magical creature trotted away and kept a fair distance while leading Serenna deeper and deeper into the unknown part of the woods.

She noticed that the blanket of snow was getting thinner as they went farther. Suspicion found its way in her thoughts.


After some time, both girl and animal reached a huge iron gate infested with despicable vines. The stems twisted and curled everywhere, shrouding the wall that connected to the gate.

She scanned the dreary surroundings. Dry leaves and twigs plagued by tiny crumbles of frost lied on the forest floor.  Snow was not to be found; save for a few scraps scattered anywhere. The absence of the fluffy white material Serenna had always lived with since birth made her heart twitch.

The atmosphere was bleak, gloomy and unfriendly. Violent chirps polluted the damp air. Among her were lofty trees bared with life. Unlike the woods which Serenna knew of, these trees were hopeless − parading death itself.

She glanced back at the gate. Rust had already settled home on the slender beams of metal. The curving sumptuous designs lacked its supposed to be glamour, lost in time throughout the years and decades. Perhaps even a century.

Serenna was not confident on what to feel about the place. A nervous sensation throbbed within the corners of her soul. She was afraid. The gate radiated a mysterious, sinister aura that made her want to run away. It felt like it wanted to devour her but at the same time, it wanted to cherish her. She was confused.

Hooves clattered as the stag walked towards entrance without a single hint of hesitation. It did not stop until it collided with the wall of metal. Much to Serenna’s surprise, the stag just phased in through the gate. Antlers, body, fur and everything went through, as if fabricated of thin air.

She stood there, clenching her hands in apprehensive motion.  What would she do? To come or not to come? Her instincts ran blank.

Yet in spite of the growing uneasiness that was creeping inside her, she longed to go inside. The barrier separated her from the welcoming dark presence over the wall, just a few steps away.

 Her conscience screamed at her to not to pass through but she felt obliged. There was something in there. She knew it, she could feel it. A nameless force which was tugging her to come. An enigma which she thought she needed to know.

Before Serenna could realize, her legs were already taking heavy steps towards the gate, plunging into the unknown−and she couldn’t help but smile in satisfaction.

Author's Note:  Good day, mortal! I'm sad to say that this is going to be my last chapter for the month of March because I'd be on a hiatus. I do hope you understand. Don't worry, I will be back. If not sooner, then it's later.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2014 ⏰

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