Chapter 1

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Author's Note - This is my first try for 3rd person narration so please pardon me if I suck at it </3

The sun rose up, illuminating the dim room. Faint rays of sunlight began to dawn on Serenna's snow white face. Her evening gown was a little bit crumpled because of tumbling and rolling the whole night. Like a sloth doing its everyday thing; sleeping, she lied flat on her stomach. Gentle snores escaped her nose.

Comfortably, her arms and feet stretched wide. She slept as if she was a princess, the conqueror of her own bed. The gorgeous curls of her long golden hair flowed freely over the edge of the mattress which rested on top of a wooden bunk. Everything was so still, so calm, and so peaceful. But not for long.

All of a sudden, a black and white German shepherd jumped on Serenna. It yapped cheerfully and licked her face with delightful innocence. Tickled by the dog's warm tongue, she woke up.

"Hey, stop it Lucas!" She gently shoved the dog away from her. Random giggles echoed sweetly inside the room.

Then the door creaked softly. A few specks of dust fell off the side of the door as it slowly opened. An old man in a dusty tunic and old tattered pants entered the room. He was lightly brushing the hairs of his short graying beard with his forefinger.

"Good morning, Father," Serenna mumbled, cuddling Lucas' warm belly on her lap.

"Good morning too, to the prettiest maiden in the whole of Clauscedonna." the man beamed widely.

Returning the smile, she inquired. "Well, what brings you here at such an early hour?"

"Nothing special my dear child. I just wanted you to know that breakfast is ready."

"Oh, that is thoughful of you." She leaped out of her bed. Lucas scampered quickly to the old man. "I'm going hunting today father."

"I don't have any objection with that my child. But just keep in mind what I've always told you."

"Hunt everywhere. Trap the wild in the snare. Hunt though you fail, but never hunt in the snowless trail," The two of them spoke in perfect unison. "I know, I know Father. This is already the two hundred thousandth time that you've told me that.

"I am just doing my best to protect you, Serenna. No parent wishes any harm to befall upon his child."

"Fine, thank you." She rushed towards his father and locked him tight in a tender embrace. Her lips whispered into old man's ears, "I could never ask for a better father for I already have the best."

A few tears gradually trickled down the old man's wrinkled face. He brushed Serenna's hair, as delicate as his almost rigid hands could do. "You are my beautiful princess, my child."

"I will always be, Father," she replied, planting a soft kiss on the forehead of the old man that she had always known as her father.

"Well then, I guess I have to be on my way and chop some wood for our fire. The snow is becoming thick lately." His arms let go of Serenna. He coughed a few times. It sounded like the cackle of gun powder that had exploded.

An uneasy feeling immediately rushed all over Serenna. Her eyes became wide with concern. "Are you alright?"

"Don't worry. This must be the consequence of drinking a lot of melted snow last night."

"Are you certain about it?"

"Yes." His peaceful expression hid the problems within him from his daughter's eyes. The smile on his face somehow fooled and assured Serenna. She let out a heavy sigh of relief.

"I'm going now."

"You take care, Father."

"Of course."

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