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In a faraway realm, different from ours

Where dragons are tamed beasts, where crystals are flowers

Where people care for silly trolls, where power is dear

Where all the things are mystical, where magic is real.

Everyone depends upon the Powers of Arcana

The elements they can control, with blessings of mana

The arcane of Fire, Earth, Breeze, Water, and Light

Darkness is not included, the world can’t fathom its might.

Born to the King and Queen of Illumina, The City of the Light

A precious little girl, who filled them with joy and delight

But to their horror, their daughter whom they lovest

Was a curse and terror, for her Arcana is Darkness.

With pure sadness and heavy hearts, though they both have no choice

They sent their daughter to the Void, it hurts to part from her voice

Legends claim that the abysmal curse was unleashed prior to the accursed child's  birth

Silent darkness and pitch black fear is starting to veil everything from the corners of the earth.


The Light in The Heart of Darkness [On a Hiatus]Where stories live. Discover now