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"Forest!" I yell as I lounge in the couch in the living room.

"Yes, Mrs Hale?" River pokes his head through the kitchen door, his messy brown hair flopping around.

"I want chocolate covered pickles."

He scrunches up his nose in disgust. "Chocolate covered pi--damn pregnant lady hormones."

Yes, pregnant lady hormones.

I'm nine months pregnant and expecting triplets any day now.

It really does run in the family, huh?

Grandma had quadruplets, Grand-Mama Paris had twins, and mom had twins, and now, I'm having triplets.

We're 23 now. We graduated college last year and got married a few months ago. River, Jayden, Raziel, Hunter, Ashlynn and I all ended up going to the Sports University of New York just like my mom and dad did. Ash and I for track, and the boys for basketball.

Magik and Beyonce went to Harvard. Shakayla went to Stanford. Josh went to Princeton.

Tori is now 17 and in her last year of high school. She took my advice and asked Ben Stacey out and they've been dating since middle school.

Ella is now ten years old and she's really into soccer. She plays for a club and is amazing for her age.

Hey, remember when I said we were expecting the triplets any day now?

Yeah, well-

"Ahhh, holy mother of Satan's dick!" I yell, clutching my stomach.

River immediately rushes over to me. "Sweetheart, what's wrong?"

"The babies are coming!"


"You heard me, Forest!" I shout. "Now get these things out of me! I want them out of me!"

"Calm down-"

"Calm down? Calm down?! Don't you dare tell me to calm the fuck down, River Forest Hale! Never tell a woman to calm down! Especially not a pregnant woman!"

River rolls his eyes and covers my mouth with his hand, cutting me off.

"Let's get you to the hospital."


"For the love of all that is holy, get out of me!" I screech as I push.

"Almost there, Angel. Just keep pushing." One of the nurses tell me, reassuring me.

Two of the babies were already out and now we're waiting for the last one, who is taking their goddamn time.

"River Forest Hale, do not look under that blank-"


And he fainted.

I told that idiot not to look under the blanket.


"We made beautiful children, babygirl." River whispers as we look down at the triplets in admiration and love.

"Hell yeah, we did." I agree, also whispering.

"What should we name them?" River questions quietly as we sit on the hospital bed, River holding the oldest who is a boy, me holding the middle who is also a boy, and both of us holding the youngest who is a girl.

"I think we should name this one Sir Cumber-"

"We are not naming any of our children Sir Cumberbatch the Fourth!" River cuts me off. "Never again."

"Fine." I grumble with a pout.

"Let's name the oldest,"

"Ryder." I say in unison with River, making him give me a surprised look.


"I remember you wanting to name Sir Cumberbatch the Fourth, Ryder and instantly knew that's what you were going to say." I explain, making him smile and peck my lips.

"Alright, this little one is going to be named Tyler then, right?" River gestures to the middle one.

"Yup." I nod.

Once upon a time, a long time ago, when we were 9, Jayden and I promised eachother we would name one of our children with eachother's middle names.

A few weeks ago, Magik gave birth to their daughter, whom they named Rose.

Raziel and Beyonce gave birth to a little girl a few months ago. They named her Harmony.

Hunter and Shakayla gave birth a little boy named Carter, who is a couple months older than Harmony.

And Ashlynn and Josh gave birth to a little boy named Kiev, who is a couple months older than Carter, making him the oldest out of all of them. They also named him after my grandfather.

"Okay, we've got Ryder and Tyler," I whisper. "What're we going to name our little princess?"

"How about...Leata?" River thinks of an amazing name.

"Leata." I test it out. "I love it."

He grins. "Ryder, Tyler and Leata."

I smile down at our babies lovingly before leaning up and kissing River.

"I love you, Forest."

"And I love you, my little Devil."

I guess I am His Little Devil, huh?


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