{17} Spawns of Satan

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"We're off to see the witch. The horrifying witch of History!" I sing as River and I walk to History class.

Well, he walks and I dance around like a retard.

"That's a great description of Ms Hayfer." River chuckles, making me gasp.

"What?" His concerned voice questions.

"Your jawline is sharper than glass." I gape, watching as he smirks.

"I know."

"I want to touch it."

"Then touch it."

So I reach up and touch it.


"What? What's wrong?" River panics, looking at me.

"Your jawline gave me a paper cut."


"Miss Paris, why are you late?" Ms Hayfer questions as I walk into History ten minutes late.

You see, even though River and I were walking here before, I saw a guy eating Oreos. So I ditched River and chased the guy around school for the Oreos.

"Well, Ms Hayfer," I start.

"This should be good." Raziel mutters with a smirk, making me smirk back at him.

"As much as I wanted to come to this class, I saw a unicorn in the hallway and decided to chase it. It lead me to the end of a rainbow and I found a pot of Oreos."

The whole class laughs, making Ms Hayfer turn red.

"Go sit down."

I smirk before sitting in my seat between River and Ashlynn.

"You slay my life." Ashlynn sighs, high-fiving me.

"Hey, Devil?" River mutters from next to me.

"Hmm?" I turn to him.

"Are you a Disney princess? Because you're CinderHella fine." He uses a pick up line.

I chuckle. "Oh my life. That was terrible."

"Those are nice jeans, but they would look even better on my bedroom floor." He tries another one.

"They would look fabulous jammed in your windpipe." I smirk.

"If I could rearrange the alphabet, I would put 'U' and 'I' together."

"Really? If I could rearrange the alphabet, I would put 'F' and 'U' together."

"Do you have a comeback for pick up line I use?" He asks, face littered in amusement.

"Do you have a pick up line for every comeback I use?" I counter.

"Miss Paris, Mr Hale, would you like to tell us what you're talking about since it's so interesting that you had disrupt my lesson."

"Now, this'll definitely be good." Jayden mumbles, smirking.

"Not really. That's why we were whispering." I say, making the class chuckle. From the corner of my eyes, I see Hunter turned in his seat as he pokes an annoyed Ashlynn's arm.

"You are just like your mother!" Ms Hayfer states angrily.

"Of course I'm just like my mother." I roll my grey eyes. "I popped out of her uterus."

"Miss Paris!"

"Ms Hayfer!" I mimic my History teacher.

"Ms Hayfer, think fast!"

Ms Hayfer turns her head just in time to get nailed in the forehead with a paper ball.

"Mr TeNana-Williams!" She fumes.

Raziel shrugs innocently. "What? I told you to think fast."

"Ms Hayfer, catch!"

She turns around and an eraser lands in her mouth.

She spits it out. "Mr Hale!"

River shrugs and gives her a smirk.

"Ms Hayfer, watch out!" Jayden throws a pencil, which nails her in the forehead.

"Fee-Fee Fuzzy Poops will shove his horn so far up your a-" Ashlynn starts but is cut off by Hunter.

"So far up my what?" He continues to poke her arm.


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