{8} Detention

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"Okay, I have detention, so that means I don't have to go to training." I tell Shakayla as she walks me to detention. "But if I don't go to detention, I still have to go to training."

"Better make a choice, Angie." Shakayla says as we near the detention room.

I lightbulb goes off in my head. "Ooh, maybe I can ditch both."

"You are not ditching anything." Shakayla scolds, forever being the mom of our group. "You either go to detention or you go to training."

I put before sighing. "I'll just go to detention. I can't be stuffed running around the track for two hours. I'm too tired."

Shakayla shakes her head in amusement before giving me a hug. "Still on for girls night tonight?"

"Yup." I hug back. "In the Twin-Cave."

I walk into detention to see Ashlynn sitting in a seat at the back.

"Ash?" I sit down next to her. "What did you do?"

She looks up at me. "What makes you think I did something?"

"Because you're you."


"And you're my cousin, actually, my sister, and I know you." I say, making her smile.

"Love you, A."

"Love you, too, Ashy." I say. "Now what did you do?"

"I may or may not have snuck into History during lunch and drawn a dick on Ms Hayfer's face while she slept." Ashlynn trails off, a smirk tugging at her lips.

I laugh loudly and hold my hand out for a fist bump. "Nice. But you should have brought me. I would have made a masterpiece."

Ash laughs. "I'm sure you would have, Angel."

Just then, four idiots tumble through the door with Ms Hayfer behind them.

Wait, Ms Hayfer's in charge of detention today?


"Ugh, I should have gone to training instead!" I complain loudly, making Ms Hayfer glare at me.

"And why is that, Miss Paris?"

"Because I wouldn't have to look at your ugly face for the next hour."

Ashlynn covers her face and giggles into her hands. Hunter covers his laugh with a cough. Raziel puts a fist to his mouth to smother his laugh. River just smirks in amusement. And Jayden?

Well, he laughs loudly and walks over to Ms Hayfer.

"She got you good, Ms H!" He laughs in her face, making it turn red. "My sister is a freaking savage!"

"Sit down, all of you!" She yells. The boys slowly walk to the back and sit down.

Raziel sits in the seat next to me, but Jayden tips the chair to the side, bucking him off.

"Dude." Raziel hisses, rubbing his butt. "What was that for?"

"I want to sit next to my twin sister." Jayden says, sitting down in the seat.

Raziel tips him off and sits down. "Well, I want to sit next to my cousin and best friend.

Hunter tips him off. "Well, I want to sit next to my baby cousin, so get off."

Raziel tips Hunter off the seat and they start arguing along with Jayden.

Ashlynn and I share a roll of the eyes before someone plops down in the seat. I look over and see River's bright green eyes staring back into my grey ones.

"Hey, Devil." He smirks charmingly.

"Hey, Jughead Jones." I smile cutely, making his smile turn to a frown.

"I thought you said you weren't going to call me that!" He groans.

I shrug. "I lied."

He grumbles under his breath. "At least find a better nickname."

"Tell me your middle name them." I negotiate.

"No way." He shakes his head.

"Like I said the other day, I'll find out, River. I'll find out!"

"And like I said the other day, you're not a creepy bad guy from those stupid ass cliché movies, Angel. Stop being so dramatic."

"River!" Three annoying voices whine, making us turn to look at my brother and cousins.

"Sorry, guys, but I'm sitting next to her. And if you try to tip me off, I'll drown you in the school water fountain." River threatens, making Ashlynn snort.

"You really want to sit next to Angel, don't you?" She wiggles her eyebrows.

"Shut up, Ashlynn."


"Freedom!" I yell after detention, literally diving out the door and onto the floor. "Ow. Probably should have thought that through."

I feel a pair of strong arms slide around my waist and pull me up.

I turn around and see River. "Thanks."

He nods. "No problem."

"You don't smile much, do you?"


"Wow, that was a long answer." I say sarcastically making his chuckle and shake his head.

"See you tomorrow, Devil." He says. She starts to walk away but stops when he notices me following him. "Uh, shortie, what're you doing?"

"I'm c- shortie?! I'm 5'7, I'm not short!" I defend. "It's not my fault you're freakishly tall! Did you drink camal's milk growing up or something?! And I'm coming to your house."

"Okay, first of all, I'm not freakishly tall." He starts. "I'm only 6'3-"

"Only?!" I scoff cutting him off.

"-secondly, why do you want to come to my house?" He questions."

I shrug. "I just do."

"And lastly, camal's make milk?!"


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