Chapter 6

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I honestly don't need any rude comments because that will make me not write at all, Yeah i know it's been a while since i updated but i do have personal shit going on in my life! If there's a problem you don't have to read my book. Anyways thank you to everyone who waited patiently for my next chapter. P.S. I got some help on this too.


I have never seen someone get they ass whooped that bad in my life. I really need her to talk to me or atleast give me a damn chance. I sit there and pout at home because I'm confused. I have know clue as to why she feels like i don't like her. I think I'm going to talk to Diamond about her because she knows everything about Amber. I'm really falling for her. I want her my feelings for her are really strong.....

Calling Diamond seemed to shed some light on the situation. "You have to show her that you care" Diamond's words play back in my head as I lay on my bed staring at the ceiling. If showing her that i care is what I have to do then that's what I'll do. But how ?


I've never felt so alive in my life beating Bianca's ass was the biggest rush I've ever felt. she deserved it i'm so sick of that bitch always trying to push people around. D'Wayne's face just keeps playing back in my head. I really do like him I'm just not sure if he's feeling me like I am him. who am I kidding I know he's not, and I refuse to be anybody charity case so i'm just going to have to suck it up and keep it moving. I need to vent my feelings and call my girl Diamond. "Hello?" Diamond answered "hey girl I need to vent"

"okay whats up"

"well where do I start" by the time I was done telling Diamond about all my problems with D'Wayne i was waiting for her response finally she said something. " well to be honest with you girl i think your blinded by the thought that you feel no man will love you because of whatever crazy reason you've got going on in your head. I need to take a minute step back and reevaluate this whole thing with D'wayne i mean don't you think you kind of jumped the gun with this ?"

"No Diamond i don't " I sighed heavily i was starting to get annoyed i called her so could be on my side and tell me i made the right choice. Now i don't even know if i made the choice anymore.

"Amber why is it so hard for you to believe that D'Wyane could actually like you ? I mean i just don't understand it man you're beautiful, sweet, kind hearted, caring , and not to mention thick as hell girl! I know girls that would kill to have an ass like your's and I know dudes that would bend over backwards to get a chance to talk to you. You're just too blinded by your own insecurities to see it."

The last part of her little speech kind of stung a little bit but i let it go. Although what Diamond is saying is probably true i didn't care about other boys and i damn sure didn't care about other girls. All i was worried about was D'Wayne god i want that boy so bad. Now that i think about it I wondered who the hell was stopping me from getting him ?!? Diamond was right I was beautiful and if D'Wayne is what i then i'm gonna have him simple as that. "You know what Diamond you're right, When i see D'Wayne tomorrow i'm going to tell him how i really feel" By the time i'm done with him he'll be in love with me... I hope. " That's the spirit, I think tomorrow will be the best day of your life bitch!" Diamond giggled. I pray to god that she's right i mean this is the first time i actually stepped out of my comfort zone for anyone. This is really big for me like seriously. This can go two ways either really really good or really really bad. But i hope its  really good. I'm really confident with how tomorrow will go but then again I have my doubts. " Amber!?" Diamond yelled in my face. " Bitch why the fuck you yelling in my face!? You must wanna lose yo damn voice box!" I said angry. She replied with, " No dumb ass i've been saying your name bruhh but it seem like you like to zone out on a bitch!" She was not calling me... I don't think or was i really gone for a second? " Damn my bad boo I'm sorry, I was in deep thought." I said apologizing. "D'Wayne must really be that important to you then if you just spent almost 10 minutes thinking about his ass" She said laughing at me. "BYE Diamond" I said hanging up. I feel bad for the things i said to D maybe i should text him. He probably never wants to talk to me again. Ugh well i'll still text him.

To DaddyD: Hey D'Wayne. Um it's Amber, I know i was really rude to you the last time we talked and I'm really sorry about that. I was wondering if we could actually talk because  i said a lot of things to you i didn't mean. I feel like a bitch for being so mean. I hope you except my apology.

I hope he still has my number. I just hope he talks to me.


So here i am sitting here thinking of a way to show Amber how much I love her and i get this text. But guess who its from... Yup it was Amber. I'm so happy she wants to talk to me. I was never mad at her i was just sad she wouldn't give me a chance. I'm not going to write her back though. I'm gone let her think I'm mad at her then do this plan i created. She might be embarrassed but i think shell be happy tomorrow. I have to text Diamond though to get her on board, because i want her to feel special. I want tomorrow to be the best day of her life.  

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