Chapter 2

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At lunch Georgie thumped into her usual spot next to Ro, in her group there was only her and Phoebe who were girls. Phoebe was only there because she'd started going out with Marley, but she was nice enough. Georgie liked it this way, yeah she got the occasional questions if she was a lezzie, but she wasn't and that was all that mattered, that she knew (and Ro knew) that she wasn't one. Ro slid into his seat and they started talking whilst waiting for the rest of the gang to appear. Soon, Dave, Marley and Phoebe came with their lunch. Marley and Phoebe huddled together having their little convos that was the only problem Georgie had with Phoebe, she missed having a laugh with Marley. Marley trying to -really badly- flirt with Georgie, Ro jumping in to stop the public humiliation that Marley liked to deliver to her. So Georgie, Ro and Dave talked mindlessly, Georgie as always eating way too slow to get the verbal abuse about being a sloth, when it comes to food. Not like this happened when it came to anything else, if anything she was too hyper. Too soon the bell went for next lesson and they heaved grudgingly to lesson.

Unlike Georgie, Ro was quite a popular guy. And it wasn't just Georgie who had her eye on him. So when they got asked to partner up she was deeply disappointed when Olivia, one of those popular's that everyone hates (unpopular's more like) she felt sick down to her stomach. She felt the puppy dog eyes come up on her face when she caught Ro's eye. He shrugged in a "what can you do" way and went back to his conversation with Olivia. Georgie's face turned stormy so when the hottest boy in the year, Tony (and that's saying it with Ro in the room) tapped on her shoulder and she turned he jumped out of his skin when he saw her stormy expression.

"Um, want a partner." She nodded upset and let him drag her by the wrist to his lab seat. They did the project, getting the best marks in the class, but Georgie felt numb, how dare Ro chose Olivia over me. "Well done," Tony said and lifted her into a hug, lifting her off her feet. She ended up with her face squashed into his chest.

"Uh, thanks. Could you let me down now?" he let her down then but leaned down and planted a kiss on her cheek. She stood there mouth open.

"Sorry, you're just so pretty." he said shrugging.

"I'm also just not interested." and marched away from Tony, feeling a bit like a bitch afterwards. She came to Ro's side; he now had face like thunder. He glared down at Georgie, she gulped. "Hey, this wouldn't have happened if you had chosen me as your partner".

Ro snorted. "So you're saying that if I hadn't let Olivia be my partner you wouldn't have let Tony force himself on top of you like a slut!" That stung, Georgie's throat went tight, and her eyes stung, something hot and wet dribbled down her cheek.

"Fine," Georgie croaked and turned to leave the classroom. A hand clasped around her wrist and before she knew it she was tucked in the protection of Ro's arms, she sobbed heavily, for so long that it became less necessary, he stroked the top of her hair and kissed it to calm her down. When she finally did, she realised that she'd just become the performance act in the classroom and that everybody was staring at her. She grabbed her bag and coat and left the room hurriedly.

As they walked to the bus depot at the end of the school day, Ro had his arm slung around Georgie's shoulders. It was spitting lightly, but there was still sun in the sky, kind of like our relationship at the moment Georgie thought.

"I'm so sorry GG. I should have known you weren't into that dickhead. I should have come and helped you. But I didn't,"

"It doesn't matter." Georgie protested, and it didn't, it was all water under the bridge now, and she really just wanted to forget all about it.

"Okay. Hey I'm going to go and talk to Dave, okay?" and he ran after Dave. Dave got on the later bus and so Georgie got on her usual bus. Ro was going to be late home, and she wouldn't be walking home with him like she usually did. Oh well. And she sat down.

It was pouring down; the road was slick from the wet. Georgie stood by the crossing her pixie cut sticking to her face, and her clothes feeling heavy from the weight of the rain. Through her eyelashes that were clumped together by the rain making it almost impossible to see, she saw it was clear and stomped across, water getting into her shoes, and her, not really caring.

She stopped at the island in the centre of the road.

"GEORGIE!" she thought she heard someone shout over the pound of the rain, She turned around to find Ro running on the pavement she had just been standing on. Her face instantly lit up, he had a smile that took her breath away, "Georgie, wait up!" As he stood there switching feet energetically his faced change. "GEORGINA!!! MOVE!!!!!!!" And he ran through the traffic, cars honking their horns, towards her. All she could think about was 'Georgina?' he'd never once called her by her true name. What was so urgent to move? She didn't even turn her head when the front of a car smacked into her side, her body slid from under her.

Her head hit the ground with a sickening thud.

Will and Hope [Formerly Ro and Georgie, slowly editting]Where stories live. Discover now