fourteen times.

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after animal crossing came mario kart, and after mario kart came dan playing music through his little blue speaker and a comfortable silence while they both drew. dan had nervously suggested it after phil beat him by one at mario kart, and phil couldn't say no. he's not the biggest on drawing- probably because he's not very good at it. he enjoys doodling from time to time but that's about as far as it goes. yet for some reason, dan's timid waver in his voice made phil cave. speaking of the boy, he was in his element.

it's like he couldn't be stopped even if the world all tried at once. this is what dan was meant to be, an artist with smudges of paint on his face and all over his hands.

phil smiles down at dan's red, paint splattered converse, the first part of dan he ever saw and just for a millisecond he feels a wave of unbridled fondness for the boy wash over him. but it is, in fact, just a millisecond before phil catches the thought, mentally stuffs it in a box and lights said box on fire. he's not fond of dan howell. dan howell is brash and loud and annoyingly cute and the only person who has really made such an effort to be phil's friend.

a new song starts on the speakers and phil hears the first words spoken: just another one champion sound and he groans, actually groans because of course dan has to play american boy.

dan turns around in his swivel chair- a wonderful invention by thomas jefferson, -and leans back dangerously, which phil would've scolded him about if there wasn't a desk behind him to stop his potential fall. the brown-haired boy wore a smug smirk on his face and started singing along to the words, loud and obnoxious.

"take me on a trip, i'd like to go someday-"

"dan, no, stop. i'm already tortured enough by the song itself being on, i don't need your ugly voice making it worse."

dan shot him his most offended look, over exaggerated because he knew phil was teasing.

that was new, too. everyone thought phil was constantly serious and he always ended up hurting some feelings even though if people actually knew him they'd know he hates hurting people, he really does.

dan was actually silent for quite a while, which caused phil to heave a sigh of a relief. but then came the whole cool down down don't act a fool now now part and dan was full out yelling again, this time with added choreography and phil laughed and didn't even bother covering his mouth. all self consciousness was forgotten in that moment.

he started choking on air at some point or another though and was reduced to a coughing mess by the time the song ended and dan was concernedly patting his back. phil finally calmed down and caught his breath, looking up to meet dan's eyes which were wide with panic. "god, phil, i was worried you were gonna die or something."

and then they were both laughing again and phil had a good feeling about this whole friendship thing.

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