ten times.

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after a bit, phil stopped goofing off and swerving around and he and dan's giggles had long faded.

turns out, dan's house was quite a while away actually, and they didn't know each other all too well- in fact, phil was being forced to spend time with him, -so a majority of the time was spent in silence. it couldn't really be described as awkward, but phil wasn't sure comfortable was the right word either. dan laid his head against the window and watched the buildings go by.

he murmured directions every once and a while, but didn't remove his gaze from the window, instead letting it remain glued there.

after a few more minutes, dan said, "here." and phil pulled up to a super nice looking house.

"wow." phil said, turning to dan for a sec before continuing. "this is really nice."

dan let out a hum of agreement, "it's nice, but it's not home."

phil flashed him a sad look but before he could say anything dan was already exiting the car. phil stumbled to catch up.

he fell into step with the other boy as they made their short walk to the front door. the lawn was perfectly trimmed, he noted. dan opened the door for him with a smile, which phil returned.

when they entered the house, it was quite quiet, but not worryingly so. more of a soft quiet, if that makes any sense. phil liked the quiet.

the first thing dan did when they reached the living room was break the quiet. "mom! i'm home, and i have a partner from school, we'll be in my room!"

phil followed dan without complaint but they were stopped midway up the stairs by a woman with short, chestnut colored curly hair. she was shorter than the both of them, but she held herself in a way that made her seem tall.

"now, now, daniel. don't be rude. i understand you want to get to work but at least introduce me to your friend." she said, flashing phil a warm (dimpleless) smile.

phil held his tongue from correcting her by yelling work partner! not friend! i! don't! want! to! be! here!

he found it wasn't that hard to keep back his words when he considered just how lovely dan's mum seemed.

with a few grumbles, dan agreed. "phil, this is mum. mum, this is phil."

phil shook her hand.

smell of cookies. sun. summer, lemonade. child yelling.

"pleasure to meet you, mrs. howell." he hoped she didn't really notice how he screwed his eyes shut and steadied himself with a deep breath.

she let out a loud bout of laughter, and suddenly phil realized where dan got it from. but her laughter was quick, not at all a resounding sound. she was back to business in a matter of moments. "you too, phil. please do call me martha though, "mrs. howell" makes you sound like one of my clients." she said before waving them off to dan's room.

as soon as they got inside, phil immediately snatched the opportunity he saw earlier. "so, daniel, what do we do now?"

"shut up." dan said, and shoved him, before pulling out his phone and putting his music on shuffle, which led to kanye west filtering through his room.

phil looked at him with a quirked eyebrow which he just shrugged and said, "he's the best."

"the kanye best."

"oh my god shut up."

"no," phil said, mid turn while snooping around the room. he saw a lot of things dan seemed to love that he loved as well, but he wasn't going to give dan the satisfaction of knowing they shared some interests.

he sat down in the spinny chair near dan's bed. "so," he said. "let's get started."

sorry i never update but people are actually reading this now what??

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